
Arrives in the United States

In 1910 Chaplin went to the United States to tour in A Night in an English Music Hall. He was chosen by filmmaker Mack Sennett (1884–1960) to appear in the silent Keystone comedy series. In these early movies ( Making a Living, Tillie's Punctured Romance ), Chaplin changed his style. He stopped overacting and became more delicate and precise in his movements. He created the role of "the tramp."

Appearing in over thirty short films, Chaplin realized that the speed and craziness of Sennett's productions was holding back his personal talents. He left to work at the Essanay Studios. Some of his films during this period were His New Job, The

Tramp, and The Champion, notable for their comic and sympathetic moments. His 1917 films for the Mutual Company, including One A.M. , The Pilgrim, The Cure, Easy

Street, and The Immigrant, displayed sharper humor. In 1918 Chaplin built his own studio and signed a million-dollar contract with National Films, producing silent-


screen classics such as A Dog's Life, comparing the life of a dog with that of a

tramp; Shoulder Arms, which poked fun at World War I (1914–18); and The Kid, a touching story of slum life.

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1 Answer

by (310 points)
+2 votes
Good to see this biography here too .

I suggest u continue this kind of topics . And  u can  give information next about charles Dickens.  I love his novels and I'm studying this year "great expectations " .

Good luck sis
by (154 points)
Thanks for your comment and support
I remember this novel it's really great novel you can read Wuthering Heights for Emily Brontë
I hope you like it
Good luck with your studies
by (310 points)
edited by
Of course I know it . Although it was canceled in college ,  I know it .
I love this specific quote " I have not broken your heart - you have broken it ; and in breaking it , you have broken mine " .
It's so touching
by (154 points)
Honestly, I read it in Arabic when I was in high school
And wached the English film and after years i was waching an Arabic film and discovered it's wuthring hights but not full story
 It's by Majeda and yahia shaheen :Alghareeb:
If i made any mistake in my comment Estory alaiea allah yostor eliki hhhhhhhhhh
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