
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

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116 Answers

by (1.2k points)
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+4 votes
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اتفق وبشدة شديدة مع الكاتب بكل كلمة:

صحيح أن النجاح يحتاج لمقوّمات وأُسس

ولكن أنا عندي يقين تام وثقة مطلقة مهما كان وضعك او مكانك او لغتك او.... فإن الله أوجدك بالمكان الصحيح ... الذي فيه تستطيع ان تخرج أفضل مالديك للبشرية حتى لو بدا لنا العكس

فمثلا كعذر الصحة الذي تطرّق له الكاتب : كم سمعنا من حافظ للقرآن الكريم وهو كفيف ..

ولكن للاسف معظم الناس يتمسّكون بالاعذار ومع الوقت تصبح حقيقة يتعايشيون معها

هذا رأيي باختصار.

  شكرا من أعماق القلب .....
by (116 points)
+6 votes

Greetings everyone..

first of all, it took me a time to pronounce "excusitis" correctly xD

It was a very inspiring episode, I liked it very much that I came out with some helpful ideas..

First one:

Reading and thinking about the successful people, they are human beings just like you and I, but the difference is that they knew how to cope with their difficulties and shortages. Reading about them will help you to inspire yourself. For this point I want to share with you my personal experince, I used to be a stutterer since childhood and that made me think I'm too away from achieving any success in my life, but after reading about a famous people and it surprised me that they were stutterers like Winston churchil and king George VI and many others, this has helped me a lot to continue my study with the best I could and graduate from college and keep chasing success.


"Excusitis", keep making excuses, is really a disease, not an organic one, but affects you in a different direction, makes you stick with your comfort zone, afraid of trying to do hard things, convinces you that comfort zone is your best friend rather being your biggest enemy.

And as said: the first step to solve any problem is to confess about it. So, knowing this disease "excusitis" is the first biggest step to achieve success.


It's about how to get this disease, it's important to understand that what you seed inside your mind, will grow and become your way of thinking, once you seed a negative thought, will grow up and seize you, weather you realized or not, subconscious mind feeds on your thoughts, make sure to feed it with continuous positive ones.


The only obstacle in your way to success is YOURSELF!

I wrote a lot, but this episode was deserved, it contains many great ideas and lessons to bring light on them.

Thank you Mr. Ibraheem for your great efforts, you helped me a lot, I never thought that one day I could write or express my opinions in English

May Allah bless you and your efforts.

Waiting for the next episode InshaAllah.

by (7 points)
+5 votes

yesالحلقة ممتازة ونرجو منكم اضافة كورس الصوتيات 

by (526 points)
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+7 votes

تناول الكتاب الاعذار التي يختلقها الناس لتبرير تأخرهم عن الركب وعدم تحقيق أهدافهم..

وكما أوضح الكاتب فهم كثر لكن أكثرهم شيوعا هم الصحةوالعمر والحظ والعذر الصامت وهو الذكاء

واتفق معه تماما لكني أرى أن من الاشمل عدم الاقتصار علي الذكاء او حتى علي القدرات العقلية وإنما الأهم هي السمات الشخصية والعقلية مثل الثقة بالنفس وقوة الشخصية والقيادة (علي الاقل يقود حياته) وطريقة التفكير وهي الأهم من الذكاء، فهناك اذكياء لا يعرفون كيف يديرون حياتهم..

وهناك عذر اخر يستخدمه معظمنا خلال اليوم وكل يوم بعنوان "معنديش وقت"

انا بدرس والمناهج صعبة ومعنديش وقت للتغيير والتطوير 

انا بشتغل ومعنديش وقت لتطوير نفسي

انا عندي أطفال ومفيش وقت لنفسي.. وهكذا، بالرغم ان حظنا من الوقت هو الأوفر، لأن مثلا زمان عشان الإنسان يحصل ع غذائه فكان يقضي نهار ف الصيد وساعات وساعات لملئ الماء وشهور للتنقل والسفر لطلب العلم اما الآن بنقرة زر تحصل ع ماتريد واكثر

وفي الحقيقة فإن المبررات ما هي إلا كذب نهانا النبي عنه، الا تكذب ع الناس والاولى الا تكذب ع نفسك فتضعفها وتركن الي الراحه وعدم تحمل المسئولية

استوقفني استعمال الكاتب لكلمة 'ضحية' ضحية لمن؟.. أليس هو الفاعل والمفعول به، ألم يهدر طاقته ف البحث عن مبررات ومحاولة اقناع نفسه والغير ببضاعة مزجاه وافكار وهمية فكان هو الجاني على نفسه..

(طبعا كلامي لأصحاب المبررات وليس الكاتب هو فقط كان يصف نفسية أصحاب الاعذار انهم يشعرون وكأنهم ضحية لظروف قهرتهم) 

الكتاب رائع جدااااا والاروع الاداء الصوتي لأستاذ ابراهيم

اختيار الكتاب موفق جدا لأن الكلمات الغريبة قليلة بالتالي بقدر اخمن المعنى حتى قبل شرح الاستاذ للمعاني وطبعا موضوع الكتاب شيق للغاية.. 

ايه رأيكم نتكلم عن المبررات التي تدعيها العقلية العربية محاولين هدمها بطرح حلول مناسبة

بعتذر ع الاطالة 

بالتوفيق لكل عائلتي

by (24 points)
+4 votes
اعتقد ان الكتاب تحدث فقط عن النجاح المادي اي النجاح في صورتة التقليدية وهذا ليس سيئا على اطلاقه ولكن اعتقد ان النجاح والذي هو في نظر الكثير شئ مادي موجود في مكان ما او في شئ بعينه او موضوع محدد اعتقد انه ليس هذا هو النجاح فقط ، النجاح قبل ان يكون شيئا هو حقيقة وجوهر في نسيج تركيبة الانسان  ، مما يعني ان النجاح التقليدي هو ليس كل شئ بل يحتاج المرء اولا للنجاح العميق من الداخل من مستويات اللاوعي من حيث هو انسان اولا وكيف ينجح في ان يكون انسان متكامل روحيا وماديا حتى بعد ذلك يسهل عليه الوصول الى النجاح ويكون ايضا بصحة نفسية جيدة في كل الاحوال فليس كل الناس لديهم نفس القدرات والمواهب ، ولكن هذا ايضا ليس عذرا فالكثير للاسف يتخذونه عذرا لعدم نجاحهم بقولهم نحن لانملك المواهب والقدرات،  فعليهم ان يتذكروا انه لابوجد احد بدون حيلة ، الجميع يستطيع ولكن النجاح ليش شيئا او شكلا واحد ، عليك اولا ان تجده في وعيك وفي اصغر افكارك وافعالك ثم ستعرف ان النجاح قبل ان يكون شهره او مال هو العثور على الحقيقة  ،على المعنى والقيمة وجوهر الاشياء ثم ستجد ان كل شئ ممكن لكل شخص بما هو مهيأ له
by (751 points)
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+3 votes
The first thing the episode was spectacular and worth watching again and again. Thanks again Mr Ibrahim for this incredible course.

I will begin my opinion with this quote

Success is walking from failure to failure with no lose enthusiasm . Winston Churchill.

Most of people think the success is only coming in the end because they have a wrong assumption  with success l think success happens when e everything around us are terrible and tell us to put off and quit what we do , or we have all temptations to fail..  If we resist and complete our steps to success that's literally success sometimes success is being in the beginning of your journey or in the middle but not always in the end We should practice to know when the time we should take a break and when we should resist. If we just remember our actions we will see we were successful and stronger when we avoid emotional's doubts. There's nothing called impossible or difficult it just called Excuses. If we  quit of  preparing excuses and do actions  . We  exactly spend the same energy when when we work and when we imagine we are successful.

Most of people have a problem in their subconsciousness mind because they always full it with negativity they forget every great or simple project begins with our minds each one of us know the beginning is the hardest thing so is this an excuse  . Most of people think they love themselves with loud voices or they don't allow to criticize.We respect ourselves if we know everyday we should renew and develop ourselves and having different minds compared to the minds we woke up with it. . There's nothing called you should have this tool or wait in thirteenth age to achieve your aims . The success happens to those Learn from their mistakes and don't quit. The excuses mean you allow yourself to do what the circumstances want. ( We are what we do not what you say you will do Carl Jung.

Excuses are wasting our times with nothing. I will wrap up here with my favorite quote.

SUCCESS is achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.

by (671 points)
Great!! Baneen I agree with you and I think anyone can do what they want... if they start doing and stop blabbing... everyone has a bookful of reasons that would allow them to stop trying... for me the main difference between successful people and normal people ...that people who's looking for success decided to stop looking for excuses, because there're alot of excuses around them... and to start working to make it happen... Good luck for all
by (751 points)
You are such a kind person. Thanks honey for your opinion.  We have minds and that's enough, we should always ask ourselves this question what is the purpose to do in life.  Excuses. The people who aren't patient and procrastination all these best way   to don't try . We should not measure ourselves  from what we do or the results our values are coming from the
 resistance we always develop our and mental health and Spiritual health . In the end we are great so who don't use these incredible features we have to change ourselves and become beware for our tasks in this life. Always the beginning is the hardest thing but when just get stared everything will be easy
 Thanks again for your opinion l was really glad to read your beautiful letters from a beautiful person likes Esra.
by (6 points)
+3 votes
مش لاقية الحلقةالتانيه علي الموقع
by (12 points)
+4 votes
Indeed, excusitis is a mind-deadening thought disease which can lead us nowhere, but we must not forget that sometimes circumstances can play a major role. If you were born in a successful family, success is highly destined. Yet, if you were born disabled, you cannot participate in beauty contests, and that's a legitimate excuse.
by (6 points)
+4 votes
The subject of the episode was really interesting. It reminded me about one year ago, i have made a decision to get TOEFL certification. I bought books and started reading hard, but unfortunatly i didn't achieve any progress in my level. I felt frustrated, until i installed the app of zAmericanEnglish. It inspired me to go ahead and get my self confident back again, otherwise I would soon after become a victim of excusitis.
by (6 points)
+4 votes
Man resorts to excuses to adapt his failure and live with it peacefully without blaming himself
He tries to persuade himself  that of course it is not his fault
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