
It is time to write [closed]

in كورس ايلتس الاحترافي IELTS
by (153 points)
+3 votes

You should spend 40 minutes on this task

Write about the following topic:

Some Of the methods used in advertising are unethical and unacceptable in today's society

Write at least 250 words

Unethical =غير أخلاقي

Unacceptable =غير مقبول

Society =مجتمع

أفضل إجابة(حتى ولو أقل من ٢٥٠ كلمة) رح يحصل على ٦ نقاط وكل واحد يشارك له نقطة


2 Answers

by (502 points)
selected by
+3 votes
Best answer

Who among us did not meet with any advertisement? Everyone met a lot of advertisements, including the good and the bad, and I am going to talking anout this proplm in this topic

Firstly, advertising is the activities that a person promotes for his company or business, and he does this to defame his company

Unfortunately, some advertisements are unethical, i.e. the company is promoted or the business is unethical, such as promoting smoking, this matter is very unethical, and it will harm society

Not only smoking! Sometimes they promote a product without mentioning its flaws, or the advertisement is displayed inappropriately.

I hope that the products are advertised ethically, and the government should see what is being done with the ads and hold accountable those who do the unethical advertisement.

Thank you for reading

I did not study the IELTS course and I wrote it based on my knowledge

+ I took 10 minutes to think about it and wrote it in about 30 minutes

by (153 points)
good job your mistakes are bellow
by (502 points)
Yes, I saw it
by (153 points)
I wish you wonderful luck
by (502 points)
I also wish you good luck
Thank you :)
by (153 points)
+3 votes

Who among us did not meet with any advertisement? Everyone have met a lot of advertisements, including the good and the bad, and I am going to talking anout  talk about this proplm problem in this topic

Firstly, advertising is the activities that a person promotes for his company or business, and he does this to defame his company

Unfortunately, some advertisements are unethical, i.e. the company is promoted or the business is unethical, such as promoting smoking, this matter is very unethical, and it will harm society

Not only smoking! Sometimes they promote a product without mentioning its flaws, or the advertisement is displayed inappropriately.

I hope that the products are advertised ethically, and the government should see what is being done with the ads and hold accountable those who do the unethical advertisement.

good job, these are your mistakes 

by (502 points)
Thank you...
by (153 points)
your welcome
by (1.3k points)
Everyone has not have
by (502 points)
i think have not has
by (1.3k points)
Has  لأن everyone تعامل معاملة المفرد إلا في حالة  كانت مع if  لأن if لها استثناءات كثيرة يمكنه البحث عن هذا واعتقد ان الأستاذ ابراهيم سبق وأشار الى هذا الأمر!

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