
Political views stir trouble

The love showered upon Chaplin in the early years of his career was more than equaled by the anger directed toward him during the 1940s and early 1950s. The American public was outraged by the outspoken quality of his political views, the problems in his personal life, and the often bitter elements expressed in his art. A socialist (one who believes all people should have equal ownership in the production of goods and services) and an atheist (one who denies the existence of God), Chaplin expressed a hatred

for dictatorship (government in which power is held by one person or a single small group). This made people suspicious of him. This feeling increased when he released Monsieur Verdoux, in which he showed that mass murder and the abuse of workers in an attempt to increase business profits were similar. Critics praised the film, but it was more popular with European audiences than those in America.

During the next five years Chaplin devoted himself to Limelight (1952), a gentle and sometimes sad work based in part on his own life. It was much different from Monsieur Verdoux. "I was ... still not convinced," Chaplin wrote, "that I had completely lost the affection of the American people, that they could be so politically conscious or so humorless as to boycott [refuse to pay attention to] anyone that could amuse them."

Further hurting Chaplin's image was a much-publicized lawsuit brought against him by a woman who claimed he was the father of her child. Although Chaplin proved he was not the child's father, reaction to the charges turned many people against him.

While on vacation in Europe in 1952, Chaplin was notified by the U.S. attorney general that his reentry into the United States would be challenged. He was charged with committing immoral acts and being politically suspicious. Chaplin, who had never become a United States citizen, sold all of his American possessions and settled in Geneva, Switzerland, with his fourth wife, Oona O'Neill, daughter of the American playwright Eugene O'Neill (1888–1953), and their children. In 1957 Chaplin visited England to

direct The King in New York, which was never shown in the United States. My Autobiography (the story of his own life) was published in 1964. Most critics considered Chaplin's 1967 film, A Countess from Hong Kong, a disaster.

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2 Answers

by (2.5k points)
+2 votes

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ❤️ 

مساء الخير ❤️ 

كيفك اتمني تكوني بخير ❤️ 

شخصيه جديده اول مره اسمع بها ولكنه خاص الكثير من المغامره في حياته ليعتبرها البعض كارثه في النهاية

استمري ...

بالتوفيق ❤️⁦(✿^‿^)⁩ 

by (1.3k points)
+2 votes
Thank you sister Amal for shearing Charlie Chaplin’s biography.

To be honest, I don’t like his movies. But, his journey is so interesting! It’s seems like he had a lot of ups and downs in his life!
by (154 points)
Ur right
You  also can watch the movie by Robert  Downey jr
,Charlis, about his life you'll like it

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