
My phone won't start

in سلسلة English Bits
by (157 points)
+3 votes
المستر كان قال إنه هيشرح الجملة دي في كورس الأفلام

لو سمحتم اللي فاهم احنا ليه مقلناش doesn't. يقولي

وشكرا ♥️

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2 Answers

by (2.5k points)
+1 vote

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ❤️

مساء الخير ❤️ 

هل كورس الافلام نزل   ⁦(ʘᴗʘ✿)⁩ 

بالتوفيق ❤️⁦(✿^‿^)⁩ 

by (310 points)
لا لسه منزلش
by (310 points)
+1 vote
I consider doesn't is used when the app is not able to start . Normally this app or phone whatever can't start . Nothing went wrong .

But won't means that the app was working but now refuses to start . Something went wrong

Doesn't يعنى هو كده كده مش بيفتح هو طبيعته كده مبيفتحش

Won't في عطل حاجة حصلت خلته مايشتغلش مع العلم انه كان بيشتغل عادي

U got it now .

Hope dr Ibrahim will clarify it ,too.

Good luck ❤
by (157 points)
I got it
Thank you and I wish you good luck
بالتوفيق إن شاء الله
by (310 points)
Good luck for u too ❤️
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