
The story of the blind

There was a blind boy.. He hated everyone except his girlfriend.. He said I'll marry u when I could see.

Eventually someone donated eyes.. When he could see.. He was shocked to see that his girlfriend is also blind ..the girl asked will u marry me now? He refused.. The girl went away saying ..just take care of my eyes dear

قصة الاعمى

كان هنالك صبي اعمى كره كل شيء ماعدا صديقة له

قال لها ساتزوجك حينما يعود نظري لي......

اخيرا شخص منح عينيه وحينما اصبح يرى صدم حينما راى صديقته ايضا عمياء

الفتاة سالته هل ستتزوجني الان؟ اجابهالا

الفتاة ذهبت وهي تقول فقط اعتني بعيوني يا عزيزي

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That what happens in real life with our poor girls 

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