
If you spice something up, you make it better or fancier

I'll quote the example.

"The colors of the Apple watch straps are the Apple's normal colors, but if you wanna spice it up you can buy The D-brand straps...."  

This is another idiom which I just knew a minute ago and couldn't wait to share it with you guys 

I heard it while I was watching a video on YouTube and understood it from the context 

♥‿♥?You owe me much, don't you

Catch you later

 Bye bye

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1 Answer

by (1.2k points)
+1 vote
Hello my brother

amazing idiom

I like idioms and your series

thanks a lot for sharing this nice post

and i owe you... go ahead   ^_^

good luck
by (750 points)
Don't worry I never collect (^‿^)
by (1.2k points)
hahahaha... and i never feel worry when i said it
good luck ✌
by (750 points)
 ?how could you use an emoji on this web
I raked my brain to find a way , but in vain I couldn't
by (1.2k points)
I recently found out that this emoji is permitted
 when i decided to use it in one of the comments. So,  try to use it this time,  you will success
good luck ✌

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