
Who is a novel reader?

The reader of novels cannot benefit others and cannot make a change in his society, the reader of novels is not an intellectual, the reader of novels is a spectator and a viewer, he is not a joyful of anything, the case of movie scenes, both want fun and excitement.

Books to read are books of thought, knowledge and philosophy, and various useful science books. Narratives should not be much more because they are harmful to mental health, and their readers live in fiction, as there is some strange behavior among narratives such as transcendence, allegation of knowledge, ridicule and fanaticism to people who are nothing small in real life, and narratives affect the love life It causes aversion between the sexes because most of its daters set imaginary specifications for the person they want to be related to, and these specifications will never exist because narratives are a lie, illusion and fiction.

In mind we rise and there is no need for animosities,

Read and understand your mind, not your affection and heart.

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by (1.2k points)
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Good evening my brother

Nice post  

Thanks a lot for sharing this article with us

Good luck ✌

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