
It's time for a new pack of idioms

Speak of the devil

If you say "speak of the devil" , you were speaking about someone and they suddenly appear, it's more like the Egyptian idioms 

or"جبنا في سيرة القط طلع ينط" 

"ياريتني فكرت في مليون جنيه"

Drive someone up the wall

to make someone really crazy or happy after having been under the weather

Hey ,Jack, can you please go and drive Don up the wall? She's been really uncomfortable

Under the weather

If you're under the weather you're really sad or sick or you have a problem

?A: Why haven't you been at school today

B: I'm sorry I was a little under the weather

Get your head in the game

If you get your head in the game you get involved in a situation you haven't been in

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1 Answer

by (110 points)
+1 vote

السلام عليكم و رحمه الله. جزاك الله الخير أخي.
مثال (Drive someone crazy up a/the wall) لم أفهمه، المثال يقول : يا جاك، تقدر روح و تجنن دان؟ لان كانت مش مرتاحه اوي.
ما ... ما فهمتيش ولا حاجة smiley

by (750 points)
المقصود من معنى المصطلح هو ادخال السرور على قلب شخص بعد حالة حزن او غضب
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