
السلام عليكم،

دا الى سمعته

ودا رابط التمرين

- is this.. hair?

- I know why are you here and I am not afraid of you.

- what? huh

- who are you? and how did you find me? who else knows my location? what do you want with my hair? to cut it? 

- what? -- to sell it?

- no, listen the only thing I want to do with your hair is to get out of it, literally

- you.. wait, you don't want my hair?

- why ..... I want your hair?

look, I was being chased, I saw a tower, I climbed it, it's the story-

 you are.. telling the truth?- yes

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2 Answers

by (363 points)
0 votes
اي صح بس اكو في نقص ⁦。◕‿◕。⁩
by (70 points)
اه بعد كلمة why
فى السؤال
why ..... I want your hair
مش عارف أميز صوت الكلمة
by (363 points)
On earth would
by (70 points)
تمام شكراا لك
by (363 points)
تدلل عادي مسويت شي
by (110 points)
+1 vote
عليكم السلام و رحمة رب الأنام.
أعتقد أن في النهاية شخصية الراجل قال: end the story
by (70 points)
تمام شكراا لك
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