
It is tricky this time, click here if you don't know what this series is

Now, let's head to the essential words


an underground passage, especially one built under a road, river, or in a cave


a kingdom in the movie, also can be used as an adjective


Own, hold or have



:Go against

Oppose or resist


(Might be the first time for you to (know it as a verb

:Set (things) right

Repair or fix sth, or place it in proper position


(First usage as a verb)

:Force out

to compel someone to leave a job, house, or a position, especially by indirect means

Oh, by the way, there's a part I meant to leave the subtitles for, because it is not clear enough

Don't forget to write down what you hear... The video

The answer will be shown within Five days this time

Good luck

The answer isHere

closed with the note: Time's up

1 Answer

by (363 points)
+1 vote

احسنت يا اخي 

بارك الله فيك 

استمرر ❤️

واوو صدگ خنفوشاري

by (750 points)
اتمنى تكوني كتبتي اجابتك في ورقة عندك
by (363 points)
لا لم اكتبها ساكتبها هنا أن شاء الله
ههههه هههههه
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