
A question about idioms [closed]

in الاستفسارات العامه
by (70 points)
+3 votes
Greetings, How is it going?

In Idiom Podium Course, Mr. Ibrahim said that we can use idioms in formal situations.

Do formal situations here mean speaking with the manager for example, or does it include academic writing also?

2 Answers

by (750 points)
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+2 votes
Best answer

They are everything including work, writing, books, formal e-mails, etc

by (70 points)
Thanks a lot.
What boggled me a bit is when I googled that question, most opinions say idioms are not allowed in formal writing.
But if Mr. Ibrahim said it's allowed, so it's allowed.
by (750 points)
edited by
He's right, books like Atomic Habits or Deep Work are made of idioms
(If something is made of something else it's full of it {that's an idiom})
by (363 points)
+2 votes

السلام عليكم ❤️

كيف الحال ان تكون بخير ! 

بما انو قال المستر في المواقف الرسميه يعني في المواقف الرسمي حاجه واضحه 

ولا بد من انو المستر  وضح ده اكثر 

بالتوفيق ❤️

by (70 points)
تمام شكرا، اصل كنت بحثت على جوجل واغلب الي شوفته قالوا لا يمكن استخدامها في الكتابة الرسمية، اكيد الاستاذ أدرى
by (363 points)
لا حاجه الى الشكر
ايي مع حق
و بالتوفيق ❤️
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