
وجدت كلمة جميلة نستخدمها في العربي.

    • ‘How are you feeling today?’ ‘So-so.’
    • It was only a so-so performance.

هي "So so" 
ومعناها "نص نص" 

وتستخدمها فقط لما تقول شيء ليس سيئ وليس جيد (في النص).

  • ‘How are you feeling today?’ ‘So-so.’ كيف صحتك اليوم؟ "نص نص"
  • It was only a so-so performance. الأداء كان نص نص.

11 Answers

by (502 points)
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+1 vote
Best answer

My answers in the exam were So-sosmiley

thank yousmiley

by (721 points)
I hope you do better next time :)
by (502 points)
thank you :)
by (422 points)
+1 vote
معلومه جميله شكرا لك
by (122 points)
+1 vote
I can speak English but so so

Good luck
by (721 points)
You could say : My English is so so
by (122 points)
But the same.... I can say this and this
!!Is there difference between these sentences
I don't find any mistake in my sentence
But okay there is nothing wrong everyone has a different opinion
And thanks  for your effort
by (721 points)
I checked it, it is correct, i'm so sorry !
by (122 points)
No....  there is no need to sorry
We are friends and  we learn from each other's mistakes
luck my friend
by (120 points)
+1 vote

Good information
by (1.2k points)
+1 vote
Great information

Thanks for this information

Good luck for you
by (2.5k points)
+4 votes
شكرا لك معلومه لم اكن اعرفها حقا
by (1.5k points)
+2 votes

معلومة جميلة وأول مرة أعلمها

شكرا لك 

by (365 points)
+1 vote

Thank you very much for the information

Good luck

by (583 points)
+2 votes

شكرا جزيلا لك على المعلومات... الصراحه عمرى ما فكرت انى اترجم نص نص للانجلش نالص ... بس بعد كده هستخدمها بقا علطول laugh

by (52 points)
+1 vote
شكرا جزيلا لك.

جزاك الله خيرا معلومة رائعة

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