
اليوم سنكتب قصة أخرى , وما رأيكم لو بدأناها هكذا :

-(" الليل أجمل وقت للأحلام الرائعة ....."هذه كانت الجملة التي رددتها في ذهني قبل الذهاب للنوم ...لكن عندما ذهبت لفراشي لم ينتابني الشعور بالنعاس وتأخر الوقت وبدأت أستشعر أصواتا..... )هل نقود القصة إلى منحى مرعب أم مضحك ؟ أجيبو على شكل تتمة للقصة ولنرى أيهما أجمل .

 Today we will write another story, and what would you 

think if we started it like this(The night is the most beautiful time for wonderful dreams 

..... “This was the sentence that I repeated in my mind before going to bed ... But when I went to bed, I did not feel sleepy, the time was late, and I began to sense sounds ..... )Are we taking the story to a terrifying or funny turn? Answer in the form of a continuation of the story and let's see which is more beautiful...

angellaughdevil good luck for everbody

closed with the note: تمت الاجابة

8 Answers

by (75 points)
+5 votes

I will continue the story

And I began to to  sense sounds, oh my god! What is that... Ooh it's my cat she is hungry I give her some food and I returned to my bad to restart my wonderful dreams I closed my eyes and remembered that I forgot my homework, so I decided to do it tomorrow in the morning. Finally I closed my eyes to dive in my deep dreams ... But all my dreams was rolling about my homework.crying

by (377 points)
Your story is special, my sister. I liked your beautiful idea and good luck with your homework, hahaha
by (25 points)
edited by
+4 votes

" The night is the most beautiful time for wonderful dreams "

This was the sentence that I repeated in my mind before going to bed ... But when I went to bed, I did not feel sleepy.

 The time was late, and I began to sense  sounds.. then guess what? There was a concert inside my belly! I remembered that i did not have dinner . I went to the fridge and made a salty cheese sandwich.. it was yummy!

When i went back to bed, i fell in sleep directly.. 

 unfortunatly, all my wonderful dreams were about drinking water!

by (75 points)
Emmm how deep are your dreams.. Hhh
by (377 points)
a wonderful and awesome story , it's also funny and i loved it so much ....also
Health and wellness in your sandwich, and do not forget to drink a little water as soon as you wake up Hahaha
by (25 points)
Hhhh It was my fault ..
 thanks Khadeega
I will pay attention next time :')
by (377 points)
خديجة تكتب هكذا : Khadidja
good luck my dear
by (197 points)
+3 votes

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

Hmmm  devildevildevilenlightened  funny way 

Good luck,  have a good one 

by (583 points)
+3 votes

سأكمل القصه بطريقه مرعبه !

اتمنى ان تعجبك ❤

سمعت صوتا يأتى من الطابق العلو من المنزل .... فذهبت لأرى ماذا يحدث هناك !! كنت اصعد الدرج ببطئ شديد وفجأه شعرت ان شخصا يضع يديه على كتفى فصرخت بصوت عالى أأأمىىىىىى ... والتفتت لأرى من .. فلم أجد اى شخص كنت فى غايه الرعب والخوف وكنت اسمع اصواتا غريبه وصراخ اطفال يأتى من الطابق العوى ... صعدت الدرج للنهايه ووقفت أمام الغرفه التى يأتى منها الصوت المخيف ومع لحظه وضع يدى على المقبض لفتح الباب فجأه سحبنى شخص من شعرى وجرنى على الدرج لففت رأسى لأرى من هو فوجدته ..........crying

I heard a sound coming from the upper floor of the house .... so I went to see what was happening there !! I was going up the stairs very slowly and suddenly I felt that someone was putting his hands on my shoulders so I screamed loudly, my mother ... and turned to see who .. I did not find anyone I was in awe and fear and I heard strange sounds and screams of children coming from the upper floor ... I went up the stairs to the end I stood in front of the room from which the terrifying sound was coming from. And with a moment, he put my hand on the handle to open the door. Suddenly someone pulled me by my hair and dragged me on the stairs.

by (377 points)
The wire that was hanging from the wall, I calmed myself and  encouraged myself to go in....and when i been inside the room the sound was be clearer so i followed it ...
To reach the clearest point, which was the source of the sound ... There was a pillow alone in the corner of the attic, despite my great fear, I was encouraged and extended my hand to it to raise it and found .... my older brother's phone that my younger sister hid to see hidden children's programs I will kill her tomorrow without Doubtهههههههه
by (1.0k points)
+1 vote

All my family was sleeping and I was the only one who didn't sleep until midnight.

I was on my bed but I couldn't sleep a thing was in my mind and I was thinking about it and suddenly..... I heared a voice coming from the piano room. I stood still in my place and couldn't say any word then after a short time I went to this room to find no voice. I went quickly to my room again and put the blanket on my face I was scary that I felt my heart will go out of my chest. I started to calm down and after a while I found  a small ,short girl looking at me and saying you would come with me I couldn't shout or say anything thing so I decided to run quickly to my mom's room she came with me and found nothing I started to cry and said mom I wouldn't sleep here again . On the next day all my family saw and heared the same things which happened to me so we deserted this home and went to another one. 

كل عائلتي كانت نائمة وأنا الوحيد الذي ظللت مستيقظا حتي منتصف الليل . كنت علي سريري لكن كان هناك شيء يشغل تفكيري وأنا كنت أفكر بشأنه حتي سمعت صوتا يأتي من غرفه البيانو.... وقفت متجمدا في مكاني ولم أستطع قول كلمة حتي هدأت وذهبت إلي هذه الغرفه لأجد أنه ليس هناك صوت. ذهبت مسرعا إلي غرفتي ووضعت الغطاء علي رأسي وكنت خائفا لدرجة أني قلبي سيخرج من قفصي الصدري. بعد أن هدأت ورفعت الغطاء من علي رأسي وجدت طفلة قصيرة وصغيرة تقول لي سوف تأتي معي ذهبت مسرعا إلي أمي جاءت معي ولم تجد أي شيء بدأت بالبكاء وقلت لها لن أنام هنا مجددا في اليوم التالي كل عائلتي رأت نفس الذي حدث معي هجرنا ذاك البيت ثم ذهبنا إلي منزل جديد.

I hope you liked it I wanted to write more but there's no time. 

Khadija I want to tell you that I'm so sad. You know that I love writing stories and you didn't tell me you will write.

by (377 points)
Your story is extremely awesome ; and i love it so much , i also don't want this to happens to me , because i'm this girl who often don't  sleep at the whole night ....
and i'm realy sorry that i didn't tell you about the story but i myself didn't decided that early .....don't be sad with me ....please because i love you and care about you ..
by (1.0k points)
Good evening Khadija sister ❤️.
Don't worry that won't happen to you ( ان شاء الله) I can't sleep but nothing happens to me because I read quran before sleeping and because those things aren't real. Whatever you did I won't be sad from you you are my beloved sister I was just kidding ❤️❤️.
by (377 points)
good evening
my sister ; i'm so happy that you aren't sad with me ; and i also do that (read quran before sleep
good dreams my sis Rana
by (1.0k points)
Don't worry Khadija sister ❤️ I'm not sad from you and I'll never do that.
Good night and have nice dreams ☺️
by (377 points)
OK then
I will be obedientهههههه
And sweet dreams for you, dear Rana
by (1.3k points)
edited by
+1 vote
The sounds was simultaneously scary and annoying. It was such a cold and windy night! I was alone in the house.

Suddenly the light wall clock went off and the lights went out، I was plunged into darkness! “The power must have gone out,” I thought myself.

I tried to open my bedroom window to look outside and saw if our neighbors are also in the dark, but the window was stucked.

I peaked up my phone to call my parents, but unfortunately the battery was completely discharged. I had no flashlight or even a candle!

Just as I was trying to go back to my bed, the curtains fluttered and got felled, even though the window was still closed! At the the same time I heard a loud creak!

« Of course there is no ghosts in the house, and the monsters aren’t real, through! Perhaps it is just the wind, »l told myself.

Just then, from the front door, I heard a burst of cackling as well as a loud noise, that sounded like someone trying to break in the house !

I’m totally fine with the dark, and I never ever have had a nyctophobia, however this time I really had panicked! I jumped up to my bed, I covered myself with the blanket! I stuck, nor breath nor motion!

The silence brooded over the house for seconds. I peeked through the blanket, I saw a trembling shadow, which seemed like a big giant man wearing a mask and caring a pint-sized fireball! It was difficult to see in the dim light.

The shadow came closer, and the room got more lit, I sensed something touching my shoulder! I felt my stomach flutter when he called my name and showed «  why do you still awake? »

The lights began to flickered and turned back on. I opened my eyes and let out a groan! He was my father who went back early from his night work since the power outage that the storm caused all over the city! He gave me his flashlight in case the light went out again!
by (377 points)
In that time i didn't know if i should crying or laughing at my self , because this whole drama was from my making hahahahaha
بصراحة المنحى الذي قدت إليه القصة مثير ورائع وبه إبداع حقا , أعجبتني روايتك لها بهذه الطريقة , شكرا جزيلا على المشاركة الجميلة.
by (1.3k points)
شكرا لك، لقد اعتقدت اني أطلت كثيرا في القصة لذا اختصرت النهاية ههه
اعجبتني اظافتك، لكن بها خطأ
If I should cry or laugh
by (377 points)
شكرا على التصحيح , والقصة أروع مابها تفاصيلها  التي زادتها تشويقا
إذا لم يكن هناك إزعاج عندي سؤال:
هل  أنت بنت أو ولد؟
by (1.3k points)
عفوًا أختي انا أيضا احب ان تصحح اخطائي حتى اتجنبها فما بعد،لكن أتردد في تصحيح اخطاء الآخرين لأن البعض لا يحب ذالك
انا بنت وانا مغربية
by (377 points)
على العكس أنا أحب من يصحح أخطائي , وتحية لك أختي ولكل أهل المغرب .... أخوتنا الأعزاء.
دمتِ موفقة عزيزتي ومشكورة على المشاركة الجميلة ❤️
by (1.3k points)
+2 votes

I love the gameheart Thank you, keep up the good work!yes

by (583 points)
+1 vote
استمرى يا خديجه بنشر بدايات قصص ونحن نكملها ... احببت الفكره
by (377 points)
وأنا رأيت بعض الزملاء قاموا بها لذا أعجبتني وأردت أن نكمل بها , شكرا منال على التشجيع و على المشاركة
بالتوفيق أختي.
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