
بعض الكلمات المربكة اعرف فرق بينهم 

(Beside (next to 

(Besides (in addition to 

(Altogether (completely , in total 

(All together (all in one place 

Older (is used to refer to both persons and things )

(Elder (is used to refer to persons 

(Farther (about the distance 

(Further (about the degree 

(Especially (particularly 

(Specially( for a purpose 

اتمنالكم الاستفادة والتوفيق والنجاح للجميع # Zamerican English ودمتم بالحفظ الرحمان 

closed with the note: تمت الاجابة

2 Answers

by (671 points)
+1 vote
أهلا أختي نجلاء....

شكرا جزيلا لك على التوضيح...

دمتي في حفظ الله و رعايته... بالتوفيق لك❤
by (1.2k points)
هلا بيك أكثر اختي شكرا عزيزتي ❤
بالتوفيق لكي ودمتي بالحفظ الرحمان
by (1.3k points)
+1 vote

Thank you ,Najlaa

This is the first time I know the word (elder) I appreciate that yes 

by (1.2k points)
You're welcome my dear
Good luck and thanks ❤

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