
ما هو الفرق بين [closed]

in كورس الاستماع
by (67 points)
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ما هو الفرق بين search و look for و seek 


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seek & search & look for have the same meaning and they classified as verb ومعناهم البحث 


  its meaning is (looking for something, seeking after something), and its use is considered more formal, and its meaning is the search for value, or the pursuit of  A goal, and the search for something is not a material thing but a moral thing.

للبحث عن قيمة أو سعي ورا الهدف والبحث عن شي ليس شيء ماديا بل شيء معنوي 

The site of Zamerican English is seeking new ways to improve services 


   its meaning is (looking for, searching, and it is used to very precisely search for something somewhere.

للبحث بدقة عن شيء ما في مكان ما 

He searched the site of Taleek for information about the grammar 

Look for 

  its meaning is (looking for), and it is similar to the verb seek in usage, but the difference is that look for is used to search for people, specific purposes, or concrete things.

للبحث عن الاشخاص أو لاغراض معينة أو أشياء ملموسة 

Some people look for friends n the internet

اتمنى وصلك معلومة بالتوفيق لك وللجميع  

by (67 points)
thank you very much
لكن الجملة الاخيرة
some people look for friends in (you write n not in ) internet

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