
Today's Idiom [closed]

in الاستفسارات العامه
by (671 points)
+3 votes

مرحبا جميعا أتمنى أن تكونوا بخير أعزائيsmiley... أحببت مشاركة معكم معلومة بسيطة أتمنى تعجبكمlaugh

Today's idiom is:_

A Whale of a (good) time

Means:_ to an exceptionally fun, exciting, or assuming experience, 

(Usually used in the phrase " have a whale of (good ) time )

Ex) we had a whale of a time on holiday.

Try to put this idiom in a sentence, I wish you a  nice day, and good luck for you laughlaugh


2 Answers

by (54 points)
selected by
+2 votes
Best answer
I have a whale of a time on speaking to old people
by (671 points)
That's great, bro
I like it good luck for you
by (751 points)
+1 vote
I always have a whale of a time on reading books.

This for this useful information.
by (671 points)
Thank you so much Baneen for your sharing... this is really amazing I like your example my dear.... good luck for you ❤
by (751 points)
Thank you ESRA for this useful initiative.
Good for you ❤❤ sweetie.
by (671 points)
My pleasure, dear ❤❤
Good luck

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