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116 Answers

by (157 points)
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+2 votes
It was such a fantastic episode . Thank you my beloved teacher .You are my best teacher
by (157 points)
+3 votes
It was such a fantastic episode . Thank you my beloved teacher .You are my best teacher . I really love you ♥️♥️
by (4 points)
+4 votes

Excuses are the number one thing that destroys humans' ability to be productive and start taking steps towards their goals. And I believe you, humans, I mean we, humans, have goals to achieve we don't want to die with no accomplishments in this life but we choose to procrastinate and find some kind of excuse that will satisfy our desire for staying safe and not challenging ourselves and we're also afraid of facing any kind of obstacles along the way no matter how easy it is, all we want is a success but instead of using "I'll do it" or "I'm stronger than this" we use "This isn't my thing" or "Those who succeed before are geniuses" or "Well, He'd done it because he studied abroad". But what we always forget is that we all have a 1.3 kg brain and that if we want to do something we'll find a way that fits our situation.
And after this whole long comment, I want you dear reader to know that we cannot give the will to anyone.

Thanks for reading!

by (1.3k points)
Thank you for this information, I never know
!how much my brain weight
By the way, why in Morocco we describe the person who is behind in education or he needs more time to learn new skills that he has a heavy brain (دماغه ثقيل )وفي حال العكس (دماغه خفيف)
by (197 points)
وفي مصر ايضا ، اظن المقصد ثقيل قليل الحركة والنشاط مما يجعله متأخر
by (1.3k points)
صحيح العبارة هي معناها مجازي وسؤالي كان إستنكاري بغرض المزاح فقط
كنت أعتقد أنه في مصر عندكم العكس مثل عبارة
(دماغه يوزن بلد )تعني انه ذكي  أليس كذالك؟
by (1.3k points)
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+2 votes

Success means many wonderful, positive things. Success means to wake up at morning and be able to have breakfast with your beautiful family. Going to school or work. Writing your notes. Going out with friends.
I know that might sound silly, and many people can disagree.

However, we all know that the word success is actually an abstract term which can has different meanings for different individuals, and everyone will define it from his point of view.

Success for an infant means to be able to walk couple steps and reach his mom safely.
To me, success can be different activities and attitudes that will make us feel good about ourselves, and give us the boost of energy to continue our push against our daily struggles. Success can be a small goal.
The first time I set a goal, I was at high school. My first goal ,which is every student’s goal, was to get the high school diploma.
I remember my first day at high school I was so excited and looking forward to start a new pathway .My first class was English. At two p.m. the teacher came into the class, looked to us and he was “ good afternoon, boys and girls, how are you doing?" By the time I was trying to catch a single word, I heard all the class replying “ Hi, teacher” then one of my classmates said “ we are fine, and you?”
I realized that I was really behind. It was the first time I have had this feeling that I am really naive, since I was good enough at all other school subjects. At this time, I set my second own goal which was to learn English. I got a small dictionary and started my journey of learning this weird language. But, I was advised by many people that I shouldn’t waste my time in learning English and I should focus in French instead because it’s required for all positions.
However, I was believing that I should improve my English and that I could be good at both languages, even though I was told that I couldn’t do it. They were .“How could you success on that when you’re complaining all time that you’re tired ,and you barely could wake up at time!” But, I didn’t give up. Moreover I decided to major in English.
Then, at the beginning of my freshman year, I had been chosen with another four students by my university to participate in SUSI (Study of the U.S. Institute). It was my best five weeks ever.
One week after I came back from my trip, I woke up to go to college one morning and thought I was paralyzed. I couldn’t move anything, it was extremely difficult for me to turn my head and check what time it was. Every joint in my body hurt, and I scarcely could move my hands.
After visiting several doctors, I eventually saw an internist and was told that I had lupus-and psoriatic arthritis.
Everything started making sense. Finally, I figured out what was wrong with me, but at the same time everything in my life started changing. Now, even being able to join my beautiful family at breakfast ,go out with friends ,go to school to my exams or being able to write my notes is a big success.
Subsequently, I had to leave my university, that was far way, and move to close one. Unfortunately I had to change my major too.
Also I set another goal which was to memorize the whole Quran since I was scared that one day I might not be able to hold the Quran and read it.
After three years, I finished my college and got my master degree regardless of all difficulties. I memorized the quarter of Quran. But, I never forgot my own goal to learn English.
The most important thing that I have learned from my disease is that I shouldn’t  procrastinate my goals.
When the pandemic had hit, last year. I took advantage of this hard time ,since learning online became possible, and I started a new virtual job at a good private school and I registered back to my old university to finish my goal.
I believe that being successful is all about how hard we work and try in life, even if we have failed.
According to Ashleigh Brilliant
“Not being able to do everything is no excuse for not doing everything you can.”
At the end, sorry for this long and boring story.

by (5 points)
+5 votes
انا وجهة نظري مختلفة تماماً الصراحة عن المولف لو الزمن رجع سنتين وراه كنت ممكن اول ما اسمع الكلمتين دول انبهر بيهم وافضل حتطهم في دماغي لفترة تصل الي يومين وبعد كده بتتصدم بالواقع بتاعك اللي هو بعيد كل البعد عن المولف وبيئته،، زي ما بتنفخ بلونه وبعد كده تفضيها  

 " you will study people very carefully to discover" انا شايف ان الكلام غير منطقي وغير صحيح لان البيئة المحيطه بالاشخاص الناجحين والعوامل والعناصر مختلفة  وان استاذ ابرهيم نجح في ظل ظروف وعوامله الخاصة بيه اللي  ربنا مهيئهالو ولو كان عاد حياته الف مره كان هينجح  ونفس الكلام لكل شخص ناجح العوامل اللي حواليه هي اللي بتسعده والعوامل اللي حواليه مش لازم تكون فلوس او منصب اب وام لا العوامل المحيطه بشكل عام  لان في اوقات كتير في عوامل سلبية بتكون سبب نجاح كبير ولو انا قريت الكتاب ده الف مره مش هنجح لان الكتاب ده بيحكي عن تجارب اشخاص نجحو في ظل عوامل متهيئه ليهم ولا تصلح لاحد اخر

وده مش معناه ان الكتاب غير مجزي او غير مفيد لا الكتاب كوويس من نحاية الاستفاده من تجارب الاخرين وازي هما وصلو للنجاح الخاص بيهم بس بدون ما اقلد خطاهم لان بالصلي علي النبي كده احنا نجاحين اوي

وحابب اوصل رسالة لاستاذ ابرهيم

بحبك في الله ♥️
by (10 points)
+3 votes
أستاذ ابراهيم انا متشوق لكي اعطي الترجمة لهذا النص
لكن لا يظهر الملخص لم يظهر بعد

ارجوا تسريع رفع نص هذ الحلقة
by (14 points)
+4 votes
اتمنى ان يستطيع الاستاذ ابراهيم أن يرى تعليقي و يقرأه في الحلقة القادمة

شكرا جزيلا على هذا المحتوى الرائع أمضيت وقتا طويلا كنت قد تخليت عن تعلم اللغة الانجليزية و قرائة الكتب لكن بعد التعرف على القناة أصبحت هوايتي هي تعلم اللغات و سعادتي هي الكتب و بعد اول حلقة من دودة الكتب تحمست للقراءة بالإنجليزية و قرأت who moved my cheese كانت تجربة رائعة حقا و ها أنا ذا تخليت كليا عن الترجمة

بدى الأمر مستحيلا في البداية لكني تخليت عن  أفكاري المسبقة و حدود امكانياتي التي وضعتها بنفسي توقفت عن لوم الآخرين و الظروف و طرق التعليم المتبعة في بلادنا فحققت اكثر مما كنت اطمح له هذا هو مفهوم النجاح بالنسبة لي

شكرااا استاذ ابراهيم بارك الله في علمك و عملك
by (117 points)
+4 votes
Really great I enjoy listening and learning new vocabulary
by (3 points)
+3 votes

I think the major difference between successful and unsuccessful people is the mindset. The unsuccessful people suffer from a serious chronic malady: excusitis.  The victims of that disease need to fertilize their brains because the pessimistic thoughts were embedded in their minds. Even if they were going places or were gifted, the mindset is key significant because once they undergo difficult circumstances or meet people who influence negatively on them, they never hold their owns. Unlike those successful ones, they have the brain to choose their life, they are staring forward, working hard and never looking behind. 

by (3 points)
+3 votes
أعجبني طرح الكاتب لعدوّ النجاح الأول وهو فن إيجاد الأعذار والتحجج بها لدرجة الإيمان بها وكأنها مسلمات لا نقاش فيها، وما يتولد عنها من قناعة تامة بإستحالة مواجهة كل هذه التحديات والظروف، فإمّا يصبح شخصا "عاديا" أو كما عبّر عنه الكاتب ب"average person" ويتابع حياته بنسقٍ روتيني قاتل للإبداع فيه،

وإمّا في رأيي قد  يتبنى عقلية "الضحية" ويعتقد أنّ العالم كلّه تآمر عليه ولم تُتح له فرصة اظهار إمكاناته، فتجده يسخط على الأسرة أوالمجتمع أوالدولة بتهميش شخص مثله!

وقدّم الكاتب حلاً ينهي به الإنسان هذا النوع من التفكير أو "mind deadning"، وينطلق نحو تحقيق أهدافه، وذلك بدراسة "الناس" وأساليب تعاملهم مع التحديات والظروف، والتي يمكن أن تشكّل (حسب تفكيرهم) إمّا عقبة كبيرة في طريق تحقيق أهدافهم، أو مجرد مشكلة بسيطة يمكن التعامل معها وتجاوزها،  وأعطى الكاتب أمثلة عن بعض الناجحين، وكيف تعاملوا مع ظروفهم ولم يختبئوا وراءها تجنباً لجلد الذات أو النقد السلبي من المحيطين، وهو أمر مهمٌ جداً أن نستدل بسير الناجحين من أجل زعزعة القناعات السلبية والأفكار الهدامة والتخلص منها، وكما يقال: "it always seems impossible until it's done"
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