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116 Answers

by (106 points)
+2 votes
لا توجد أعذار الا من غير الراغبين في النجاح
by (2 points)
+2 votes
Thank you very much for reading this book

today I felt that this book talk about me

excusitis , I think this is the main reason why I didn't improve in my work , why I didn't go to complete my training

that is good to know your disease and try to get cured from it

Thanks alot

I am proud of you

I am from Mahlet marhom, it is a village near Tanta

by (3 points)
+2 votes
I completely agree with the author. People tend to use different excuses to justify their failures. The most important one is the lack of brains that they think they are stupid whereas the successful people are intelligent. The fact is that   successful people are working-hard individuals who are persistent .I mean they . progress gradually step by step until they achieve their goals.

Unsuccessful people are skillful at making excuses instead of creating ways to reach their dreams.
by (9 points)
+2 votes
Hello there

                                .The second episode was wonderful and I learned new words

                                                                     .Thank you a lot  our teacher Ibrahim
by (5 points)
+2 votes
Great.I couldn't agree more.

The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.
by (2 points)
+2 votes

أولا :

اشكركم على اتاحة هذه المساحة التي نستطيع ان نشعر فيها بانتمائنا لروح بل الى مجموعة أرواح تسندنا وتأخذ بيدنا حتى لو كنا من خلف أجهزتنا والحقيقه جميعنا هنا نأخذ بأيدي بعض حتى الذي يرا نفسه في مستوى اقل من اقرانه اجزم انه بحديثه وتواصله معنا يرتقي بنا قبل ان يرتقي بنفسه  فكل الشكر لكم جميعا القائمين على هذا الموقع واعني جميعكم فردا فردا الذين يعملون ليل نهار خلف الكواليس ..وشكري أيضا لكل المتابعين والمثابرين الذي يسيرون على هذا النهج وبإذن الله معا سنصل .. 

ثانيا : انطباعي عن الحلقه ..اتفق جدا مع الكاتب وأضيف ايضا ان من اسباب فشل الأغلبيه هو خوفهم من التغيير الذي سيحصل لهم فيما لو تقدمو اي بمعنى " خوفهم من المسؤولية التي ستلقى على عاتقهم ان هم تقدمو ونجحو " 

فالبعض يفكر بهذه الطريقه اي ..يسأل نفسه كيف سأستطيع تقضية وقت للأفلام مثلا او وقت للتسكع مع اصحابي ان انا اجتهدت وثابرت سيضيق علي وقتي فيرضى بما هو عليه وان قابلته تحجج بأعذاره الواهيه التي ذكرها الكاتب والحقيقه تكمن في نفسه بينه وبين نفسه يعشق الحريه ويكره المسؤوليه ..

"يرى ان الحرية لا يحصل عليها الناجحون ابدا "

هذه هي مداخلتي أعتذر جدا على الإطاله ..

تحياتي وتقديري لك استاذي العزيز ابراهيم ..

by (8 points)
+2 votes
ماشاءالله تبارك الرحمن، أسأل الله أن يبارك لكم في العلم ويزيدكم من فضله، صراحه حبيت فكره الكلمات مصحوبه بأمثله وصور ، فكرة أكثر من رائعة...
by (25 points)
edited by
+2 votes

Another wonderful lesson and I really appreciate the teacher for choosing this book.

Don't wait opportunities to come and knock knock on your door, get up and make them by yourself.

Do not say: The circumstances are bad or my skills are not suitable for being a leader, be honest with yourself and say that you COULDN'T, but you will try again and again.

As Michael Jordan said: "I've failed over and over and over again in my life- and that's why I succeed"

Once you fail the first time, make sure that your journey with success just began.

by (4 points)
+2 votes
I think if we just blame ourselves, it will be so hard and we may think that we are really bad and have no responsibility, then it will lead us to nowhere.

It may be better to look at our reasons that we say to ourselves and determine which is legitimate and which is not, try to deal with real ones, beside keep going on our way as we can.
by (7 points)
+2 votes
That was such a great topic. I really enjoy it. The most important part is that a lot of people suffers form making excusing with every single issue in their live and none of them is a legitimate. in my prospective i believe that if anybody has willing for doing something useful they need to be a strong  warrior and not blame the circumstances for not being a successful person. Many people has struggles in their lives and of  course you have and i have, but there is a thing you should know about: you STRUGGLES is not special and there is someone at least has deal with them and someone is dealing with them right now and someone will deal them in the future, but fact is that not many people take the responsibility to handle their problems and try to fix them. they just sit and blame the circumstances.
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