
ما هو تعليقك علي الحلقه الثانية كورس bookworm

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

اهلا ومرحبا بكم جميعا في حلقات كورس bookworm

لجعل المحتوي افضل وسماع لارائكم 

يمكنك ارسال تعليقك هنا  علي الحلقة الثانية في هذا لموضوع 

لكي يمكن متابعتكم بسهوله 

شكرا لكم 

وبالتوفيق للجميع
لمشاهدة الحلقة على youtube
للوصول الى صفحة القراءة
للوصول الى صفحة الترجمة

من فضلك سجل دخولك أو قم بتسجيل حساب للإجابة على هذا السؤال

117 إجابة

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When you decide to try ur hand at something new and take a long adventure to discover something, aiming to reach the top rung, usually people start with excitement but after your willingness  decreases and your brain begins to create plenty of excuses, you feel like your heart is not into what you are trying to do or maybe u could think of the same excuses highlighted by the author, the bottom line, if u wanna succeed , be careful to not hold on these excuses that would stop you from moving forward. Note that successful people try their best to be brave enough to go through difficulties and to let go of these negative thoughts

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السلام عليكم

المرجو الاجابة

لماذا توقف الاستاد عادل في تنزيل الدروس على ZamericainEnglish app في كل من المستوى التالث و الرابع?

و ماذا كن كرص اللهجة ?
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لماذا لا استطيع ان اكتب في نص الترجمة لا تظهر الكيبورد
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I really enjoyed this section of the book , and in the most of it i agree with the author , and in some parts of my life i have had the intelligence excusitis and i thought that my mental ability will fail me to achieve my dream but day after day this malady disappeared , and to this very day i consider myself as an average person who has a wild ambition
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I agree with the author about the fundamental reason for why a mediocre individual doesn't reach his goal. It's because he keeps using excuses, not to genuinely overcome challenges, but merely to save face and avoid blame from others or himself. Additionally, the author identifies four types of popular excuses commonly used by unsuccessful people: health excusitis, brain excusitis, age excusitis, and luck excusitis. In the end, we can see that the secret factor for the recipe of success is taking responsibility and avoiding excuses

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المحادثات التي سوف تجري هنا هل هي محادثات حية ام مسجلة؟
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