
What is success ?

in bookworm
by (1.3k points)
+11 votes

Success means many wonderful, positive things. Success means to wake up at morning and be able to have breakfast with your beautiful family. Going to school or work. Writing your notes. Going out with friends.

I know that might sound silly, and many people can disagree. However, we all know that the word success is actually an abstract term which can has different meanings for different individuals, and everyone will define it from his point of view. Success for an infant means to be able to walk couple steps and reach his mom safely.

To me, success can be different activities and attitudes that will make us feel good about ourselves, and give us the boost of energy to continue our push against our daily struggles. Success can be a small goal.

The first time I set a goal, I was at high school. My first goal ,which is every student’s goal, was to get the high school diploma.

I remember my first day at high school I was so excited and looking forward to start a new pathway .My first class was English. At two p.m. the teacher came into the class, looked to us and he was “ good afternoon, boys and girls, how are you doing?" By the time I was trying to catch a single word, I heard all the class replying “ Hi, teacher” then one of my classmates said “ we are fine, and you?”

I realized that I was really behind. It was the first time I have had this feeling that I am really naive, since I was good enough at all other school subjects. At this time I set my second own goal which was to learn English. I got a small dictionary and started my journey of learning this weird language. But, I was advised by many people that I shouldn’t waste my time in learning English and I should focus in French instead, because it’s required for all positions.

However, I was believing that I should improve my English and that I could be good at both languages, even though I was told that I couldn’t do it. They were .“How could you success on that when you’re complaining all time that you’re tired ,besides you barely could wake up at time!” But, I didn’t give up. Moreover I decided to major in English.
Then, at the beginning of my freshman year, I had been chosen with another four students by my university to participate in SUSI (Study of the U.S. Institute). It was my best five weeks ever.

One week after I came back from my trip, I woke up to go to college one morning and thought I was paralyzed. I couldn’t move anything, it was extremely difficult for me to turn my head and check what time it was. Every joint in my body hurt, and I scarcely could move my hands.

After visiting several doctors, I eventually saw an internist and was told that I had lupus-and psoriatic arthritis.

Everything started making sense. Finally, I figured out what was wrong with me, but at the same time everything in my life started changing. Now, even being able to join my beautiful family at breakfast ,go out with friends ,go to school to my exams or being able to write my notes is a big success.

Subsequently, I had to leave my university, that was far away, and move to close one. Unfortunately, I had to change  my major too.

Also, I set another goal which was to memorize the whole Quran since I was scared that one day I might not be able to hold the Quran and read it.

After three years,I finished my college and got my master degree regardless of all difficulties. I memorized the quarter of Quran. But, I never forgot my own goal to learn English.

The most important thing that I have learned from my disease is that I shouldn’t  procrastinate my goals.

When the pandemic had hit, last year. I took advantage of this hard time ,since learning online became possible, and I started a new virtual job at a good private school and I registered back to my old university to finish my goal.

I believe that being successful is all about how hard we work and try in life, even if we have failed.
According to Ashleigh Brilliant
“Not being able to do everything is no excuse for not doing everything you can.”

At the end, sorry for this long and boring story.

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7 Answers

by (751 points)
+3 votes
Literally l was enjoying When l was reading your story. How incredible you are. Thanks for this beautiful experience.

Your words are special in the sense of the word. I hope to you to get what you want .❣❣❣❣ What an amazing thing to read on this day.
by (1.3k points)
edited by
Thank you sister for your nice comment. And I wish you the same thing.
by (752 points)
+4 votes

Good evening

Your story is never boring . This is one of the most amazing stories i have read

I respected you for your insistence despite all the problems you challenged

.. You are a really wonderful

. you have my respect 

. If I could.I would have giving you the best question  and many points

Good luck


by (719 points)
اعمل ايه عشان انال احترامك انا كمان استاذة رومانتك
by (752 points)
أستغفر الله يا فندم
نحن هنا زملاء ولي كل الشرف بمعرفتكم جميعا ..
وايضا احترمكم جميعا دون تفرقة ....
لك مني فائق احترامي .. دمت بخير وسعاده
by (1.3k points)
edited by
Thank you so much for your beautiful words. You really made me cry,  your words were warm enough to touch my heart.
by (1.3k points)
اهلا أخ أحمد، تعرف انه رغم ان تعليق الأخت رمانتيك الجميل حرك مشاعري ، إلا ان تعليقك جعلني اضحك فعلا.
by (719 points)
شكرا لك استاذة رومانتك
 على الاقل sunset خليتك تضحكي ههههه
by (377 points)
+1 vote

Hello dear Actually when I saw the length of the topic I felt it would be boring, but the story is really moving and I'm sorry for you, my sister Thank God that you are well now and I hope that lasts God willing, you will undoubtedly be the best in English!

بالتوفيق للجميع heart

by (377 points)
0 votes


how are you sister ?

 It's been a long time since I didn't talk to you

by (1.3k points)
Hi sister! How have you been? The castle was empty and could without you! I really missed you ! I’m glad to see your comment(: , and thank you for asking. I’m doing good AlhamdliLah
by (377 points)
i'm so happy to hear that my dear
by (1.3k points)
Thank you sister!
by (430 points)
+1 vote
قصتك ليست مملة ولا يمكن أن تكون أبدا مملة ...ولقد سمعت ماهو أسوء .

ولكن ما أعجبني هو اصرارك على التفوق ...إن فيك شيئا حيا ونادرا اسمه الضمير ...

إن الانسان يبدأ حياته ..يتدفق بالحب والحنان..والتفاؤل والثقة..ثم يجف هذا النبع العاطفي في قلبه كلما كبر...ويتحول مع الزمن إلى عحوز أناني بخيل لا يحس الا بمصلحته ولا يجري إلا خلف منفعته . ولكن أنت لا ...ستظلين شابة مهما طال الزمن ...والدليل أن قلبك الكبير لا يحدث له هذا الجفاف مهما كبر وشاخ لأنه يجد في نفسه القدرة على بذل الحنان دائما مهما حدث له ...ومهما تلقى من صدمات .... .

You're worthy utmost respect !not only from me...but also from everybody here .
by (1.3k points)
شكرا لك اخي على هذا التعليق الجميل وعلى كلماتك المحفزة بارك الله فيك ووفقك الى كل خير
by (430 points)
نحن إخوة الحمد لله
by (1.9k points)
0 votes

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته 

قصتك ليست ممله بل مليئه بالحياه والطوح heart وأنت انسانه ذات قيمه ولوجودك معنى و أهميه heart

أنت قويه و قويه جداً في زمن نرى فيه من هم يتحججون بأتفهه الاسباب ليبرروا سبب فشلهم ، أما أنت فلا لم تستسلمي ولن تفعلي ذلك ، لأنك كيان يطمح ليكون الافضل ويحقق أهداف عجز عنها الكثيرون . 

SUNSET أنت رائعه heart

أختك ( نورة ماضي )smileyheart 

وشكراً . 

by (1.3k points)
شكرا لك اختي نورة على تشجيعك وعلى كلماتك الجميلة.
by (1.3k points)
+1 vote
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله اختي رومانتك! كيف حالك؟ يبدو انك لا تنامين بشكل جيد بسبب الموقعين.
by (752 points)
وعليكم السلام حبيبتي ..
والله طول ما انتي بخير وفي صحة بكون بأفضل حال .
علشانكم أعمل أي شئ ربي لا يحرمني من سؤالك ..
طمنيني عنك ان شاء الله تكوني بخير
by (1.3k points)
الحمدلله بخير اختي بارك الله فيك
نقدر جهدك حبيبتي على الموقع لكن اتمنى ان لا تجهد نفسك كثيرا فالصحة اهم شيئ في الحياة.
by (752 points)
يارب تكوني دائما بخير وفي عافية
حاضر وشكرا جزيلا لأهتمامك .. ربي يسعدك ويفرح قلبك دائما ..
by (1.3k points)
ولك بالمثل اختي
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