
كورس القواعد zamricanenglish

3 Answers

by (721 points)
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Arrive at تعني الوصول لمكان ليس كبير جدًا بحجم دولة، مدينة، كوكب إلخ...

We arrived at the police station early 
وصلنا لمركز الشرطة مبكرًا.

Arrive to غير صحيحة، وليس لها أي معنى. اختصارًا، لا يمكنك استعمالها بمعنى الوصول.

by (331 points)
0 votes
اظن ان الاستاذ ابراهيم شرح هذا من قبل .

 في بداية لست متأكدة من اجابتي وياريت إن كنت مخطأة يصحح لي احد .

arrive to نستعملها عندما نتحدث عن شيء لم نصل إليه بعد .

أما arrive at عندما نصل إلى المكان و نستعملها أيضا للوقت
by (721 points)
نعم الأستاذ شرح الفرق بينهم في كورس القواعد المستوى الأول الحلقة 21

وبالمناسبة ليس هذا الفرق :)
by (331 points)
تفضلي اختي قولي لنا الفرق تفيدينا
by (430 points)
No no arrive to is npt correct you can't say I arrived to a beautiful morning ... You shoud say I arrived on a beautiful morning
Mark wanted to arrive at belguim yesterday.✔
Mark wanted to arrive to belguim yesterday.✖
by (25 points)
+1 vote
Arrive at استخدمها استاذ ابراهيم في احد الكورسات التي لا اتذكرها ولكن اتذكر المثال وهو مثال الوصول الى المطار فسنتخدم at

He arrived at airport
by (430 points)
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Arrived to is incorrect you can't say that : Jane will arrive to Marrakesh tomorrow

However , you should say:

Jane will arrive at/on/in Marrakesh tomorrow.

But for to isn't correct it's not used .

by (721 points)
"If you mean by "Marrakesh" the city that's located in Morocco then you can't use "at" or " on
"You can only use "in

Also, "Jane arrived at/on/in Marrakesh tomorrow." doesn't make sense because you used "arrived" and then "tomorrow" which is wrong

"You should say "She arrived in Marrakesh yesterday.
You don't have to use "yesterday", you can use any other time marker
by (430 points)
Ohh I'm so sorry I didn't pay attention dang it , It was just an oversight I'mma correct it , thanks for correcting the answer !
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