
ترك الكسل و تفاعل معي


انا عندي قميص ابيض

الرجل الكبير سعيد

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5 Answers

by (1.0k points)
+1 vote

I have a white shirt .

The old man is happy.


by (1.9k points)
+1 vote

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته 

:My answer is

1- I have a white shirt 

2- The old man is happy 

وشكراً .

by (1.5k points)
+2 votes

.I have a white shirt 

.The old man is happy 

دمت بخير أخي ☆☆☆

by (390 points)
0 votes

  1. I have a white shirt
  2. The old man is happy 
by (331 points)
0 votes
The old man IS happy

I have a white shirt
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