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وجدت النص التالي أسفل مقطع دودة الكتب الأول في قائمة Courses

Success means many wonderful, positive things. Success means personal prosperity: a fine home, vacations, travel, new things, financial security, giving your children maximum advantages. Success means winning admiration, leadership, being looked up to by people in your business and social life.

Success means freedom: freedom from worries, fears, frustrations, and failure.

Success means self-respect, continually finding more real happiness and satisfaction from life, being able to do more for those who depend on you.

Success means winning.

Success - achievement - is the goal of life!

Every human being wants success. Everybody wants the best this life can deliver. Nobody enjoys crawling, living in mediocrity, No one likes feeling second-class and feeling forced to go that way.
Some of the most practical success-building wisdom is found in that 
Biblical quotation stating that faith can move mountains.

Believe, really believe, you can move a mountain, and you can. Not many people believe that they can move mountains. So, as a result, not many people do.

On some occasion, you’ve probably heard someone say something like “It’s nonsense to think you can make a mountain move away just by saying ‘ Mountain, move away.’ It’s simply impossible.”
People who think this way have belief confused with 
wishful thinking. And true enough, you can’t wish away a mountain. You can’t wish yourself into an executive suite.

Nor can you wish yourself into a five-bedroom, three bath house or the high-income brackets. You can’t wish yourself into a position of leadership.

But you can move a mountain with belief. You can win success by believing you can succeed.

هل يعرف أحدكم ما هو؟ (لم ألصق النص كاملاً لطوله)


3 Answers

by (1.2k points)
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بالرغم من لم اجرب اذخل على courses ولم اعرف ما هي بس من قريت النص حستيها ككلام تحفيز

لا تأخد على كلامي انا فقط اقولك رأيي،  والله أعلم

ولكن ربما ستتبين قريبا كل ميزات موقع وما فائدتها قريبا بأذن الله

بالتوفيق للجميع
by (721 points)
لا, الواضح أنه جزء من الكتاب الجديد, لأنه الكلمات الملونة بالأحمر جديدة.
by (365 points)
+4 votes
اسفة لا اعرف لكن ربما لم تنزل بعد.
by (434 points)
+4 votes

​​​​​هذا الكلام أكثر من راااااائع ❤ ملهم و محفز ❤ شكرا أخي لأنك شاركته معنا ❤

by (1.3k points)
هذا هو نص الكتاب الذي قرأه الأستاذ في فيديو درس دودة الكتب ويمكن لكل مهتم أن يترجمه للعربية ويشارك ترجمته على الموقع

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