
One day he lived a lazy farmer who neither liked nor enjoyed working in the fields. Where he spent his days lying under the shade of a large tree. One day, while relaxing under the tree, he saw a fox chasing a rabbit. Suddenly, a loud collision was heard. The rabbit hit the trunk of the tree and died at the time. They immediately took the dead rabbit to a farmer, left the fox, and went to his house, and he slaughtered the rabbit and prepared a delicious dinner from it, and sold its fur in the Siq the next day. Then think to himself: "If I could have a rabbit like this every day, I wouldn't have to work in the field again." Thus, the next day, the farmer went to the same tree and lay under it, waiting for another rabbit to bump into it. During his day he already saw several rabbits, but none of them hit any treeIndeed, what happened to him the day before was a truly rare coincidence. But he thought, "Oh okay, I still have another chance tomorrow!" And it went on like this for several days, weeks and months, so he neglected his field, and remained lying, waiting for the rabbit to commit suicide. This led to the growth of weeds in the field and the spoilage of the crops, and the farmer eventually starved, because he could not find anything to eat, and he was unable to catch any rabbit

بالتوفيق ❤️⁦(✿^‿^)⁩

2 Answers

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Working hard is beneficial for us and others. It helps us survive and have a good life. Instead of sitting around and waiting for a rabbit to bump into a tree or waiting for the government and other people to give us food and financial aid, we should work to earn money and raise rabbits to feed ourselves and those in need.

وهنا تحضرني هذه القصة لسيدنا عمر رضي الله عنه.

مر «عمر بن الخطاب» رضي الله عنه بقوم يجلسون حول الكعبة فسألهم: من أنتم؟ قالوا: نحن المتوكلون.. قال «عمر»: لستم المتوكلين ولكنكم المتواكلون. والفارق بين الكلمتين في الكتابة حرف.. ولكن في المعنى ما بين السماء والأرض.. فالمتواكلون قوم اختاروا البطالة كأسلوب حياة.. اعتماداً على الصدقات أو الهبات دون أن يسعوا في الأرض للكسب.. أما المتوكلون فقوم بحثوا عن عمل يقتاتون منه وتوكلوا على الله في بحثهم عن لقمة العيش وكرامة العمل. 

by (2.5k points)
اجابتك حقا رائعه ❤️
فنعم ليس علينا ان نتوكل فقط بل ان نعمل لاجل تحقيق ما نريد
by (1.3k points)
شكرًا ولك كل التوفيق
by (671 points)
+2 votes

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته...

مرحبا أختي ألاء 

قصة جميلة جدا و معبرة... أحسنت عزيزتي 

استمر في نشر المزيد...

بالتوفيق لك smileysmiley

by (2.5k points)
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