
Good evening 

One day , an unlucky fox was walking alone searching for food to eat in the forest , but his feet stumbled and fell into a deep well , he couldn’t go out and stopped sad waiting help from any animal , he was looking up saying “there is no one here!”. After several minutes a sheep was walking in front of the well and heard a whispering voice “come here” so he approached in this time looking inside the well , he heard the same sound again called him “come here”, it was the voice of fox.

The sheep shouted “oh my God , why are you in the well?” , the cunning fox replied ” I am here to get water and food , you can find a lot of food here , it is a nice well” the sheep could not believe what the fox said about this well , suddenly he heard his voice again “come here to eat” , the sheep looked down carefully and saw nothing inside , he remembered the advice of his mother to think well before doing anything.

The sheep smiled and said “okay , can you sprinkle me with some water? I feel very hot now , the fox talked himself “what will I do now with this smart sheep , I want him to come down to jump over him and get out of here” , the sheep felt what the fox think , so he said “do not think too much , if you are smart , there are smarter than you , cunning fox”.

Choose a word from the colorful words and put it in a sentence of your creativity 

Good luck everyone


6 Answers

by (390 points)
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+3 votes
Best answer
Hello my dear Ruba

Actually I was waiting for posts like this until I found this wonderful story

Keep going and keep smiling
by (718 points)
welcome sister
Beautiful sentence
Good luck
Thanks a lot
by (364 points)
+4 votes

 my brother loves food
by (718 points)
Nice sentence
Good luck
by (331 points)
+3 votes
What Do you think about the New Smart phone ?
by (718 points)
Nice sentence
Good luck
by (1.2k points)
+4 votes

Hhh,woooow what  a beautiful story

You have to listen to the sound inside you,and beleive in yourself that you can do anything you want to do

Thank you Ruba❤

by (718 points)
Beautiful sentence
You're welcome my dear
Good luck ❤️
by (671 points)
+3 votes

السلام عليكم...

منشور جميل حقا ❤

بارك الله فيك و في ميزان حسناتك 

دمت بألف خير و سعادة عزيزتي ربا❤❤

بالتوفيق للجميع smiley

by (718 points)
وعليكم السلام
عيونك الجميلة ✨
وبارك بك ايضا ❤️
اسعدك الله اختي ❤️❤️
by (2.5k points)
+1 vote

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله ❤️

اهلا بكي ❤️

اتمني تكونى بخيرر

حقا قصه رائعه تعلمنا ان لا نثق في كلام احد وان نفكر جيدا قبل اتخاذ اي قرار 

You have to be smart in order to survive all the problems 

استمري فهذه السلسله حقا رائعه ⁦(✿^‿^)⁩❤️

 بالتوفيق ❤️

by (718 points)
وعليكم السلام ورحمه الله وبركاته
احسنت ، جملة جميلة
اسعدك الله اختي ❤️
بالتوفيق لك ايضا ❤️
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