
I think you missed translating from English;


ان تعلم البرمجة هو من إلزاميات الحياة حاليا

فيجب أن تتعلم البرمجة أيا كان سنك أو نوعك أو وظيفتك

فهذا لن يفتح لك الأبواب، بل سيعطيك المفتاح الذي تفتح به تلك الأبواب!

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1 Answer

by (751 points)
edited by
+2 votes
Imparting  programming is a must of the the life currently.  You should learn programming whatever is  your age or your gender or  your profession.  It doesn't only open your doors but will grant you  the key to open those doors.

Cheers ❤❤❤.
by (750 points)
It doesn't
"Not "it's doesn't
by (751 points)
It's just a misprint.
by (750 points)
Yeah, no problem
I always make typos, so I usually look again at the writing
Good luck
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