
Hello guys . This notification just came to me, but unfortunately the app is not working.  

My profile doesn't open ; there is no profile picture ,too . Plus , videos are loading a lot .

Thanks for all your efforts ❤ we are all working together to make this app splendid

I opened it from Galaxy tab A.  

Thanks ❤

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4 Answers

by (2.5k points)
+2 votes

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ❤️ 

مساء الخير ❤️ 

لا يعمل بعد 

بالتوفيق ❤️⁦(✿^‿^)⁩ 

by (310 points)
مساء النور حبيبتى ❤
يشتغل قريبا بإذن الله
by (51 points)
+3 votes
التطبيق اشتغل وخلصت درست وكله تمام لكن فجاءه تعطل مره اخرى

بأذن الله يرجع يشتغل مره اخرى
by (310 points)
ان شاء الله ❤
by (750 points)
+1 vote

The app didn't work until a second ago it worked

,But I have a question

?What did they fix

?What was the suspended that needed to be fixed

by (310 points)
As far as I know some videos or even most of them wasn't working .
Plus , if u want to contact them ,sending your problem, there is no way . It said something went wrong .
Just loading and not working .
by (86 points)
+2 votes

ازيك شيرين .. عامله اي يا جميلة :) 

التطبيق رجع يشتغل تاني الحمد لله علي جميع الاجهزة ..

بلس جاية اقولك اني حبيت الwallpaper جدا جدا بتاعت التاب بتاعك :)❤️زوقك جميل زيك كدا ❤️❤️

by (310 points)
حبيبتى انتى اللي عيونك حلوة ❤
هجرب من عندى كده واشوف
شكرا ليكى حبيبتى
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