الموقع متوقف وتم تغيره الي نظام جديد وهنا يعد فقط ارشيف للقراءه ولا يمكن المشاركه للدخول الي النظام الجديد اضغط هنا
I accepted today 's challenge to open this website at this very hour as a celebration to our near and dear teacher to our heart ❤ . 7 million subscribers ❤So I wanna share with u some new idioms and expressions I learned earlier with their Arabic translation. Let's get started . Challenge accepted : قبلت التحدي I am bored to death : انا طفشت / ميت من المللKeep your nose clean : ابتعد عن المشاكل Get your priorities straight : رتب أولوياتك Now guys I need u to put them in a sentence. Wish u all best of luck ❤
I accepted today 's challenge to open this website at this very hour as a celebration to our near and dear teacher to our heart ❤ . 7 million subscribers ❤
So I wanna share with u some new idioms and expressions I learned earlier with their Arabic translation.
Let's get started .
Challenge accepted : قبلت التحدي
I am bored to death : انا طفشت / ميت من الملل
Keep your nose clean : ابتعد عن المشاكل
Get your priorities straight : رتب أولوياتك
Now guys I need u to put them in a sentence. Wish u all best of luck ❤
3.4ألف أسئلة
10.5ألف إجابة
14.1ألف تعليقات
2.8مليون مستخدم