
السلام عليكم 

جمعة مباركة 

hello guys 

Today is special for me 

and for this  , i'll tell you about a little story 

ones upon a time there was a pregnant woman in the last month , and the doctor gave her an
Injection ...
when the time of birth came , the baby came to this world in a violet color 
the reasen is simple , he didn't breat 
He was about to die
So , he take beaten from the nurse  ...
Until he let out his first cry in this world

Did you know who is this baby ?


and can you translate the little paragraphe ? and sure correct my mistakes if any

good luck brothers and sisters 

بالتوفيق للجميع smiley 

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1 Answer

by (497 points)
+1 vote
Is that right sis?

Thanks god that you didn't die or the world would lose a great person
by (377 points)
هههه بلى
الحمد لله :)
You changed the picture؟
أم أنني لم أنتبه ؟
by (497 points)
Yes i do
I have some thing for your birth day but maybe you will not like it
by (377 points)
Well, why don't I like it?
Anything of you is as beautiful as you
دمتِ بخير عزيزتي :)
متشوقة لأعرف هديتي ^_^
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