
I think you may wonder where I am

I'm in alex, refreshing some air

...But something happened on the first day

I was playing in the sea, and I couldn't feel that the sea was pulling me up into it

Suddenly! I couldn't reach the ground, and the fact that I can't swim was the icing on the cake

I shouted to my cousin and he came 

But, unconsciously I dipped him in the water 

When he got a chance to go up, "help" he shouted loudly

And there was a fact that I couldn't shout cause there was nothing in my chest to push it out

Finally, the help came

We were safe out of the sea, but my cousin drank a lot of water from the sea and couldn't hold

We took him to the hospital,and he's fine now and joking with us

I just couldn't save the bean in my mouth, and I wanted to share it with you

There are another fact. I missed the live

 I hope you guys are fine

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4 Answers

by (497 points)
+2 votes
We are so happy that you still survive

In the next time pay attention

Great my brother
by (1.2k points)
+2 votes
Hi, my brother

? How is it going

I hope you are fine

For your publication.  I don't know if your story factive or non- factive , if it's factive thank God for your safety of you and your friend. But , if it's non- factive,  i will say for you  it's a nice story

Well done

And keep going

Good luck for you
by (750 points)
See, I wont benifit from making a story up or tell you a right story
But I wanted to share what happened to me with you
That's all(^‿^)
by (1.2k points)
Thanks for sharing your story with us and benefit us ❤
My God reward you and keep going
Good luck my brother
by (65 points)
+3 votes
Thanks a lot for this exciting story

thanks for god that you are fine now

be careful next time
by (750 points)
No, I won't be careful
I will learn how to swim
Cause if I had I wouldn't be in that terrible situation
by (65 points)
Yes this is the best solution
learning how to swim will benefit you a lot in such situations
break a leg
by (2.5k points)
+2 votes

Good evening ❤️ 

How are you and how is your cousin now? 

Thank God for your safety

 You should be careful next time 

I hope you have a great time in Alexandria 

Good luck ❤️ (✿^‿^) 

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