
A lot of people think that mr.Ibrahim is  forsaking  and totally abandoned his favorite project "Zamericanenglish" in favour for his new project Taleek, watching this video you would know it couldn't be further from the truth 

Then a lot of people get desperate because of the lack of the episodes and this big delay, and some other people take this opportunity to dig some dirt from him and taint his reputation saying "he spreads himself too thin" or "he bites more than he could chew"

For those people, I feel very sorry to say that empty vasales make the loudest noise

Since people who really study and gained much information from mr,Ibrahim didn't make noise, but who wants to just get some interactions DOES NOT study and IS NOT filled enough to stop their noise 

So, don't pay attention to them and focus on studying and revising and gaining more vocabulary 

So, keep it real and 

السلام عليكم

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