
While I am going  over the IELTS section then I arrived to Vocab 010 and I can not pass or go to the next episode after that the APP goes out and shut down  himself?????
What is the problem, please?

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1 Answer

by (750 points)
+1 vote

Unfortunately this episode isn't existed in the app

 Search for it on YouTube or click here

by (2 points)
So what about the other episodes, still  have three episodes left
by (2 points)
I can not open the other episodes and still locked.
by (2 points)
Hello,do you have a sloution for this problem,please?
by (750 points)
I'm still in the same boat with you, I've reported this problem but I haven't got any response.
by (2 points)
That is a good thing to know, I have got a friend
by (19 points)
We're friends
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