الموقع متوقف وتم تغيره الي نظام جديد وهنا يعد فقط ارشيف للقراءه ولا يمكن المشاركه للدخول الي النظام الجديد اضغط هنا
,Hello again
We're continuing to our series about idioms
A golden parachute
If you get a golden parachute, you get a perfect chance to get out of something, typically a disaster
I was about to get hit and punched, but I got a golden parachute when my brother came to take me
Catch someone red-handed
If you catch someone red-handed, that means you caught them doing something illegal
Your honor, my camera caught him red-handed trying to steal my documents
Paint the town red
like what you're seeing on this map, you point the places you've been to by the color "red", I guess now you can guess the meaning
If you paint the town red, you go to every place in your town, city, country, etc
A:I wanna hang out
B:Just chill, after my exam, we're gonna paint the town red
That's all she wrote
I'm afraid to tell you that I'll have to delay for a while, I have exams, but after them we will be continuing
Catch you then
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ❤️
مساء الخير ❤️
شكرا جزيلا لك ❤️
بالتوفيق ❤️(✿^‿^)
what a great effort , buddy
Thank u
This is so helpful
Keep it up
3.4ألف أسئلة
10.5ألف إجابة
14.1ألف تعليقات
2.8مليون مستخدم