
مرحبا زملائي الاعزائي اتمنى تكونو بخير ،رمضان كريم ينعاد علينا وعليكم بالصحة والهناء ، وتقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال

ارتدت الاستفسار حول الفرق بينlisten وhear

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1 Answer

by (750 points)
+3 votes

:According to Google

Hear: when sounds come to our ears

I heard some noise in the basement, I think something might be wrong 

Listen: refers to paying attention to what's going on using your ear

I usually listened to music in the middle of the day, but now I don't

كما هو الفرق بين "يسمع" و "ينصت" بالعربية


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