
كنت سادهب الي....

كنت ساشتري.....

كنت سافوز....

عندما اريد ان اعوض كنت س مادا استعمل

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2 Answers

by (750 points)
+2 votes

تقدر تستخدم صيغة من اتنين

الأولى هي : 

was\were + going to

I was going to go to school after I finished my breakfast

We were going to play, but it got too dark

الصيغة الثانية هي:

Would + inf(without "to")

I would go to school after I finish my breakfast

We were supposed to give a speech and Michael would sing his beloved song

بالتوفيق و أتمنى أكون وضحت لك المعلومة بشكل صحيح

by (721 points)
+1 vote
I was about to go to...

I was about to buy...

I was about to win...
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