
3 Answers

by (1.3k points)
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Both are correct, the grammar is acceptable either way, but this is one area where the British English and American English differ. British English speakers say «I haven’t done my homework yet,» but Americans often say « I didn’t do my homework yet »

In British English, the words (just, yet, and already) take a present perfect tense. However, US English tends to use past tense rather than the present perfect with these words.

I would go with « l haven’t done my homework yet » this version sounds more open for me! sounds like you might get it done in the future, but the other one « I didn’t do my homework » sounds like the action is completely in the past, and you didn’t have any chance to do it. 

I hop this helps.

by (5 points)
Thanks for helping !
by (17 points)
+2 votes
الجواب haven't done

الشرح كورس القواعد المستوى 2 حلقة المضارع التام
by (719 points)
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ان كنت تظن ان I didn't do my homework yet مش تنفع لان yet مضارع تام فانت مخطيء مفيش حاجة اسمها كلمات دالة كما أن I didn't do my homework yet هي الأكثر استخداما في امريكا والأخرى اكثر استخداما في بريطانيا عموما الاتنين ينفعو اللغة مش كيمياء

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