
Indeed, setting in the corner and waiting for good things to happen is going to lead to nowhere.

That said, A lot of things in our lives happen by chance that we can't believe ourselves that we achieved or got them. Just remember how many things you wished for and got eventually! And that what makes them more enjoyable.

Back to my first point, believing in oneself that we're able to do, to achieve, to move mountains as the writer stated can increase our possibilities of reaching our goals since willpower is truly strong.

Thank you for reading.
closed with the note: تمت الاجابة

3 Answers

by (48 points)
+2 votes

عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: «إن الله عز وجل قال: أنا عند ظن عبدي بي، إنْ ظن بي خيراً فله، وإن ظن شراً فله».

سيدنا عبدلله بن مسعود قال : 

((قسماً بالله ماظنّ أحدٌ باللهِ ظناً ؛ إلّا أعطَاه مايظُن وذلكَ لأن الفَضلَ كُله بيدِ الله)).

"فَمَا ظَنّكُم بِرَبّ العَالمِين"
by (12 points)
صدق الله العظيم
by (48 points)
+2 votes

" yes, and I think we all are aware of the impact of the "growth mindset

 and how it can shape your future because that goes directly to your subconscious mind.

to me, the main problem isn't that, my problem is how -to -success 

as the author mentioned it can develop by time but I don't see that he  gave a solution

and honestly all what you need to success are these things in my opinion and in order

  • freedom and your rights
  •  growth mindset 
  • environment
  • resources
  • creativity

if you miss any of them then it's hard to success unless you're a superhuman

and also I face difficulty creating or have the proper environment to help me achieve, I  don't mean the "physical environment
but mentalities around you and the community 

have anyone faced this problem, and if yes please tell me how you dealt with it?

by (4 points)
edited by
I agree with you, but the solution is to surround yourself with who could raise your mindset. We all face this problem,  but who success who trying to be good not just looking at the socity and say hey look the socity is bad.  yaah we know the socity is bad,  but there are many people who achieve sucess in this bad socity  like mr Ibrahim. finally Alleh will ask you about your choices not your socity choices.
by (310 points)
Sorry for interfering.
But I find the author providing the main solution for the whole point. If u believe in yourself, your own abilities, you'll be able to succeed, making use of each and everything can help u to reach the highest point.
You can have all the rights, money, all the possibilities to grow, but because you don't believe in yourself and have faith, according to the author you will be a victim to your desperate thoughts, and by that you can't be a success.
by (48 points)
no on we appreciate your opinion
I think the author's whole point is to change readers mindset and encourage them to believe in themselves which is in my opinion the first step towards success.
And I see that you're trying to say (if you really believe in yourself then you're able to solve any issue you face during the journey). I agree with that but if you even don't understand what's happening to you and lots of things keep bother you while you can't get rid of them and don't have control on your life,  then you won't be able to make any progress or even to learn and have the chance to help yourself. I tried hundred of things and tens of plans nothing changed. In the first place, that's because of the lack of information we have and because we are not educated or ready to deal with such issues
finally all what we can do in this case are two thigs
1. be patient
2. try to learn and help yourself because no one cares
by (48 points)
yes that's right mohamed
I do involve myself in useful and great communities online like this one
by (310 points)
Yes I got what u mean. OK I agree that life sometimes turns to be too harsh, but this is life, and this shouldn't stop anyone of us. I heard a sentence before that really affects me " life gives who wants to be given". So like what you said be patient, and also believe in yourself, take as much knowledge as u can ;this will make u reach what u want.
Good luck for everyone.
by (671 points)
+1 vote

Great joblaugh, Wish you good luck 

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