الموقع متوقف وتم تغيره الي نظام جديد وهنا يعد فقط ارشيف للقراءه ولا يمكن المشاركه للدخول الي النظام الجديد اضغط هنا
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اهلا ومرحبا بكم جميعا في اولي حلقات كورس bookworm
لجعل المحتوي افضل وسماع لارائكم
يمكنك ارسال تعليقك هنا في هذا لموضوع
لكي يمكن متابعتكم بسهوله
شكرا لكم
وبالتوفيق للجميعلمشاهدة الحلقة على youtubeللوصول الى صفحة القراءةللوصول الى صفحة الترجمة
First, Thanks a lot Mr/ Ibrahim for all you do and this book looks great from the beginning.
I agree with the writer because if you want to do a thing, this thing is one of your dreams, you really want to achieve it and you have the determination and the right way to lead you, you'll work hard and do the impossible to achieve it. And don't say this goal is hard and I can't achieve it because you can. It doesn't matter how small are your steps the important is working hard and believing that you can do that . I want to end my topic with this qoute
" No thing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible".
Thanks a lot and
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته.
كانت حلقه اكتر من رائعة واستفدت منها جدا وكانت مليئة بالتحفيز وان احنا نقدر نحقق أحلامنا أيا كان عمرنا أو قدراتنا ودا كان رأيي عن الكاتب ووجهة نظري عن اللي كتبه ويا رب نخلص امتحانات عشان نقدر ننتظم تاني في المذاكرة مع طليق وz American.
It was so full of motivation, to be honest, I don't like talking about motivation and be hardworking because most of them are repetitive, but this one is a little bit different."The how-to-do-it always comes to the person who believes he can do it."This part is the best part for me, It's so meaningful and expressingSomething I didn't learn, but this book reminded me about, is I'm positive I can do itIt's true, if you always feel pessimistic you're going to achieve nothing, you'll achieve ZeroI can't say it wasn't good, but talking about success and not trying to be successful angers me, for this reason I don't read much about success, but I do much to make a success I don't say that this book motivates us to read about success and not trying to be successful, but, you know, it's not my kind of books. it's so-so.Thanks a lot for reading
Can Mr. Ibrahim slowly explain the words in red and increase the duration of the episode a little?
❤✔❤I benefited a lot, a really wonderful series.
لقد قمت بشره في السابق ساعيد نشره هنا في شكل صوره ان شاء الله
3.4ألف أسئلة
10.5ألف إجابة
14.1ألف تعليقات
2.8مليون مستخدم