
هناك ثلاث طرق للسؤال عن الوقت ما هي هذه الطرق

O'clock هي اختصار لجملة ما هي وما هي قصته

الحلقة العاشرة يوجد بها الكثير يستحق المراجعة
closed with the note: تمت الاجابة

5 Answers

by (15 points)
+2 votes
1 what is the time  now.

2 do have the time.

3 what time is it.

o'clock اختصار ل of the clock.

by (719 points)
هي do* you* have the time
by (422 points)
+2 votes
الاختصار of the clock

?What's the time

?What time is it

مش فاكره التالته
by (719 points)
Do you have the time
by (422 points)
شكرا لك تذكرتها
by (502 points)
+2 votes
do you have the time

what is the time

what time is it
by (167 points)
edited by
+1 vote
what time is it??

o'clock اختصار لكلمة of the clock
by (719 points)
مازال هناك اثنان
by (167 points)
لا اعرفهما اخي...  لذا لم اذكرهما
by (719 points)
حسنا انصحك بمشاهدة الحلقة ١٠ تعلم من الصفر المستوى الاول
by (167 points)
نعم ان شاءالله اشكرك علي النصيحه يا اخي ساخذ بها
by (76 points)
+1 vote
الاختصار of the clock

What's the time

What time is it

Do you have the time
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