
This word confuses me [closed]

in الاستفسارات العامه
by (116 points)
+3 votes

Hello.. smiley

I'm asking about this word ''worth''

is it a verb or an adjective ?

that sometimes I see it as a verb and other times as an adjective 

I'm really confused about it


Thanks in advance smiley


3 Answers

by (719 points)
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انا لا اعرف لكن لم ترها من قبل الا اسم  او صفة ونادرا كحرف جر ممكن تضيف أمثلة على كونها فعل
by (116 points)
Yes bro, after doing some searching you are right it could be a noun or an adjective
thank you for passing and have a good day :)
by (2.5k points)
+2 votes
اعتقد ان معناها سيئ كصفه ومعناها يسوء كفعل وبالتوفيق
by (116 points)
Yes bro, after doing some searching you are right it could be a noun or an adjective
thank you for passing and have a good day :)
by (583 points)
+1 vote
لأ انا اعتقد انها صفه ... ممكن تجيب مثال على انها فعل ؟؟
by (116 points)
Thanks for your passing
a verb like this sentence
It worths reading or watching
 anyway I think I was wrong, after doing some searching, yes you are right it's an adjective

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