
Like no other

Don't like any other

5 Answers

by (197 points)
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

You should believe that's everyone has a unique life, not just doesn't like any other but it like no other.

(: I hope it well enough

Greetings and good luck everyone
by (719 points)
+2 votes
اعتقد انها

لا مثيل لها

لا تشبه اي احد
by (527 points)
يعني أن لهما نفس المعنى
by (719 points)
اعتقد ان no اقوى من not في المعنى لكن لهم نفس المعنى
by (197 points)
+1 vote
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

I think that the form of  " no other " stronger
by (671 points)
+2 votes
Like no other معناها لا مثيل له

Don't like any other معناها لا يشبه أي أحد

و اعتقد أن no اقوى من not في النفي

بالتوفيق لك
by (721 points)
+2 votes
Please put them in a sentence or we can't actually answer it accurately
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