
Translation issue [closed]

in bookworm
by (10 points)
+4 votes
"other translations will appear when you submit your translation".

This message appears even though I submited my translation.

 Can adims look to this problem,please ?

 The other translations don't appear on my translation section.
closed with the note: تمت الاجابة

2 Answers

by (671 points)
0 votes
أتمنى أن يتم حل مشكلتك قريبا من قبل أحد المسؤولين...
by (1.3k points)
0 votes
Unfortunately, that happens! You need to translate the first paragraph again to be able to see your translation and others too! I had this issue before as well as some friends! I hope that works for you! Have a good one!
by (10 points)
.Thanks,i'll try it
.I discovered a new issue
?I can't vote to any answer
Do you have any info about that?
by (1.3k points)
edited by
Since you have less than50 points. Only members who have 50 points or up can vote!
by (10 points)
I thought it's like taleek
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