
In the second level in { The first episode from conversation} MR Ibrahim said we can't put the adjective after the verb directly like this example { I am doing well not I am doing great ✖✖❌❌ } also in the course of English bits there's an example { She always comes late to work.  So in this case if the word  late is an adverb and we don't add{Ly(  . I am sorry if l ask a lot but l just want to make sure from the rule.❤❤

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by (21 points)
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وعليكم السلام ورحمه الله

استاذ ابراهيم جاوب علي الحاجه دي وقال انو مع تطور اللغه في كلمات كتيره مابنضيف ليها ly لتصبح حال

مثلا fast بمعني سريع (صفه) و بسرعه (حال)

وايضا slow بمعني بطئ (صفه) و ببطء (حال)

اتمني اني اكون اتوفقت في توضيحها وشكرا لاستاذ ابراهيم
by (751 points)
شكراً لك على الإجابة الفورية أعلم هذا الشيء وكتبته في السؤال. وفقت بأفضل ما يمكن. شكراً لك مرة أخرى لأني فقد أردت أعلم انها حال. كل الشكر والفضل للأستاذنا ابراهيم من دونه لا نعرف تكوين جملة واحدة.
by (1.3k points)
Late actually is adjective
by (721 points)
Late" is both an adverb and adjective" :)
by (1.3k points)
edited by
Yes, you’re right, we can use it as adverb too , and Mr. Ibrahmin already mentioned that on the episode of (حرب النحويين وصبيان الغرمر) l was trying to add that, but I didn’t have a chance, since for some reason the website has been logging me out every couple minutes!!!
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