
1 Answer

by (1.2k points)
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السلام عليكم اختي 

اعتقد ان هذه من idiom ومعناه 

بئس المصير إلى القمامة السيئة 

it's an expression that it used when one is pleased that he got ride of someone or something are leaving or stopping 

A -Ex: Did you hear that the manager of the company dismissed from his assignment 

B- Good riddance to bad rubbish 

Good luck for you and all

by (1.3k points)
As you know, we can’t translate idioms literally, however, we can translate their meanings or ideas, not words. So, I will try to mention an Egyptian similar idiom that could be close.
غور في ستين داهية.
اما عندنا في المغرب فنقول الماء والشطابة (المكنسة)حتى قاع البحر. بمعنى اذهب الى الجحيم فغيابك أفضل من بقائك
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