
We all know we should have a main resource depend on it. Especially The grammar because every one has a different way they explain. But there was a time to search about information that was about the difference between jump and hop. A native speaker doesn't understand the meaning well  so she gave me the incorrect difference. when Mr Ibrahim explained ,from that moment l decided to have a main resource and also take vocabulary from native speakers l follow them or read article or news .

 if l search  about idiom or anything else before Mr Ibrahim gives us . Am l wrong?? Because Mr Ibrahim always says don't rush yourself and want to know something it's not in the curriculum's  plan yet. So guys do you struggle with this point?? I am looking forward to know your opinions.

4 Answers

by (197 points)
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+2 votes
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

Greetings Baneen and thanks a lot for such useful topic. 

For me,  it's half and half.

Honestly I can't stopping myself from searching even  mainning sometimes,  but I'm keeping following Mr Ibrahim Adele lead to avoid any rushing. 

اظن نصيحة الأستاذ إبراهيم عادل ببساطة عدم الاندفاع والتسرع وهذا لا ينافي شغف البحث وفضول التعلم 

واعتقد ان هذا المعلم الفاضل يؤهلنا خطوة بخطوة لإمتلاك المهارات الازمة للصيد والغوص العميق مستقبلا smiley

وبالمناسبة خطأ المتحدث الاصلي وارد جدا حتى بين ظهرانينا و في لغتنا الام 

عندنا مثل مصري يقال لمن يتعالم وهو لا يعلم 

" لما تعرف الاول كوعك من بوعك ابقى اتكلم"   

عنيف نوعا ما لكن مثال قوي 

ختاما اكرر التحية 

by (1.3k points)
ههه لدينا نفس المثل مع تغيير الضمير
لا تسأل من لا يعرف كوعه من بوعه
by (751 points)
Thank you Abdelhrman For this useful response.  I'm extremely confused because if we pick up every information from many resources we will be the victim of wrong knowledge and we can't have any clarity minds to know bad quality of learning.. I am really passionate to know everything about English but in the same time it's wrong because l don't any a constant foundation. When l was following more than English's teachers most of them are native speakers l got exhausted and my level it was not high when l leaved. Now I  become more better when l have a main resource  
My level it's extremely different by comparison how l was. I'm sorry for this long response but l am still confused to know what should l do ?
by (197 points)
Hi again Bannen .
You don't have to be sorry  cause your " long response" realy makes my day.
And you don't have to be confused because you already hit the point by your last sentences, yeah you didn't.
You said you became more better when you have a main resource  (: , did you see that (: did you see that  
We have our powerful great resource Ms Ibrahim Adele may ALLAH pleased him,  he's our reference and teacher,
Next to that we can select from others sources with out go rushed by follow our amazing teacher lead
by (155 points)
+2 votes
I think what our techer said is right we should not rush ourselves to know everything about the target language and should not take your information from native speaker because they really don't know and will not give us  right informations

I took all my information from him but sometimes i watch another teachers who they use english  i watch them to practice listening and they are also useful

Unfortunately i can't give you their channel's name because that disagreeable here as you know

And i think it's okay to learn idioms before him i do that sometimes -it's just my opinion -

Just search in the right place

And because your level is  good you can know who is saying the true and who is not saying the true
by (751 points)
Thanks sweetie for your reply. I think it's different when we learn a language because it's like a building we should know and study every step before we create building because if we take every plan and we think that's right .We will be victim to wrong knowledge and information.  I also know good English's teachers but each one of them explain in a simple or complicated way.  It was nice reading your opinion and thanks again for your response ❣❤❤
by (1.3k points)
+2 votes
It’s right that our beloved teacher, Ibrahim, advised us to not rush, but that was at the beginning and that’s completely make sense.

 However, we can’t wait years to  know what is the difference between jump and spring just because he didn’t have time to explain that or probably he never thought that we might need it.

Have you ever asked yourself how did Mr. Ibrahim know all this information? Of course by searching and reading.

Finally, if we didn’t search, probably, we would never ever found The ZAmericanenglish.
by (197 points)
Yes , probably.

Your last sentence is fair enough, thanks a lot
by (1.3k points)
Thank you brother
by (751 points)
Thanks Sunset for this perfect metaphor if we didn't search we wouldn't know Mr Ibrahim.  I'm thankful for your initiative to respond me❤❤
by (1.3k points)
Thank you, Baneen, for giving us this opportunity to discuss such an important subject! Have a great day, sister!
by (721 points)
+1 vote
الفرق بين Jump و Hop محل خلاف

فقاموس أكسفورد يقل أن معناها القفز على رجل واحدة (وهذا الأكثر شيوعاً)
وقواميس أخرى تقول أن معناها قفزة قصيرة

أخطأ الأستاذ عندما أخطأ من قال أن معناها قفزة على رجل واحدة

لا لست مخطئة, بل لن تتعلمين لو بقيت تدرسين على نفس المصدر دون التعرف على المصادر الأخرى, الأستاذ أصلاً بنفسه قال "أنا يمكن أصلا مكملش معاك" هذا ليس السبب الوحيد أنك تتعلمين كلمات ومصطلحات من مصادر مختلفة بالطبع!
by (751 points)
Thanks for your invitation to respond me your answer fulls of benefit. Oh my god my heart is beating fast When you mention Mr Ibrahim probably will not complete with us . It's really difficult because we don't study English because it's useful we study  and continue learning by our great teacher Mr Ibrahim he made us and still are hungry for knowledge  and  don't get boring  from learning we can't express how he is influential in our thoughts and future. Thanks again Free he for this beautiful reply. It was nice reading your opinions guys.
by (721 points)
لا شيء يستمر للأبد

حتى قبل قليل قناة صديق الأستاذ إبراهيم واسمه إيهاب رشوان قد اختفت قناته من اليوتيوب
كان اسمها Learn English With Ehab وقد نُشِرَ بث للاحتيال وجمع المال من قبل مخترقين وبعدها أغلقت القناة.

I agree that we wouldn't know where to go to learn English without Mr. Ibrahim

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