
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

Greetings and good luck everyone 

Did you know that mean have another mean that farther than what you usually used to hear !?  But ..

But wait a moment,  I will not give it to you so easy cheeky you should guess it from the example below 

Yo bro , stop being mean with me,  you're my flesh and blood! Why you doing that!?  

Ok , if you got it please make a comment within the mean. 

 Good luck palls 

من فضلك سجل دخولك أو قم بتسجيل حساب للإجابة على هذا السؤال

2 إجابة

بواسطة (721 نقاط)
+1 تصويت

I already know this meaning, it's an adjective here 

it means something like cheap or liking to keep things only for themself

بواسطة (197 نقاط)
Thanks for sharing
I am pretty sure that you mean badly intends person

بواسطة (721 نقاط)
Yeah I meant cheap and لئيم
بواسطة (1.3ألف نقاط)
+1 تصويت

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله أخي

Don’t be mean, and tell us what’s the other meaning that mean means! I am just kidding! Actually you are not mean at all, you are mean well and you already helped many of us! Thank you!

The sentence sounds like the children’s counting rhyme

Eeny, meeny, miny, moelaugh

Mean well is an idiom that means the opposite of mean.

بواسطة (197 نقاط)
Awesome awesome awesome,  
 I wish if I can  give you a lot of votes up

Thank you for the idiom  , (: I should use it a lot
By the way it's a nice  riheme
بواسطة (197 نقاط)
Whoops (: it should be  rhyme
I was writing under my kids stress
بواسطة (1.3ألف نقاط)
Thank you brother for your wonderful comment! Please say hi to the kids!
ربنا يبارك لك فيهم ويرزقك برهم.
بواسطة (197 نقاط)
من عينيا ربنا يحفظك و يوفقك دايما للنجاح ويكرمك بالزوج الصالح والذرية الصالحة
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