
مستخدم منذ: 1 سنة (منذ أغسطس 3، 2023)
الرتبة: مستخدم مسجل
الاسم الكامل: Magento 2 Order Attributes
المكان: United State
الموفع: https://store.webkul.com/magento2-order-attributes.html
نبذة شخصية: Magento 2 Order Attributes will allow the admin to add multiple custom order attributes for the customers during the checkout. The admin can set the position of those custom-created order attributes on the checkout page. This will help the admin to collect more information from the customer regarding their order.

The admin can use the Text Field, Text Area, Date, Yes/No, Multiple Select, Dropdown, HTML, and Static Block as input fields to collect the data from the customers. This module is compatible with One Step Checkout for Magento 2. Furthermore, the admin and the customer can also view the custom order attributes from their order history of the particular order.

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