الموقع متوقف وتم تغيره الي نظام جديد وهنا يعد فقط ارشيف للقراءه ولا يمكن المشاركه للدخول الي النظام الجديد اضغط هنا
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اهلا ومرحبا بكم جميعا في اولي حلقات كورس bookworm
لجعل المحتوي افضل وسماع لارائكم
يمكنك ارسال تعليقك هنا في هذا لموضوع
لكي يمكن متابعتكم بسهوله
شكرا لكم
وبالتوفيق للجميعلمشاهدة الحلقة على youtubeللوصول الى صفحة القراءةللوصول الى صفحة الترجمة
I agree with the writer, I believe that if you want to achieve your dreams, you should have faith and confidence in yourself that you can achieve them.
At that moment, the universe will do everything to achieve your dreams.
This is a wanderful subject to discuss. for me, success require trust on ourselve, sucrifice, have a planning, priorities the tasks, bieng discipline also patient as possible as we cant because it takes time.
First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to our great teacher, Ibrahim Adel, for all his efforts and knowledge that he has dedicated to our learning and gaining wisdom. I cannot find the words to thank you because you have been a significant factor in my personal transformation.
Regarding the book, I see that the author focuses on one aspect of success, which is belief and taking steps based on that belief by observing people who have already succeeded. Then, the way to achieve it will become apparent, and you'll see the other steps to reach the top. However, I disagree with the author; this is not the only thing you need. It's essential to consider the other side of the coin, which involves accepting pain and knowing how to deal with it. This could include family problems, personal challenges, failure, and more. You can't achieve success until you address all aspects of the coin, which are belief and accepting the pain that comes with that belief
3.4ألف أسئلة
10.5ألف إجابة
14.1ألف تعليقات
2.8مليون مستخدم