
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

اهلا ومرحبا بكم جميعا في اولي حلقات كورس bookworm

لجعل المحتوي افضل وسماع لارائكم 

يمكنك ارسال تعليقك هنا في هذا لموضوع 

لكي يمكن متابعتكم بسهوله 

شكرا لكم 

وبالتوفيق للجميع
لمشاهدة الحلقة على youtube
للوصول الى صفحة القراءة
للوصول الى صفحة الترجمة

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217 Answers

by (2 points)
+2 votes
الحلقة ممتازه و تمنحنا الكثير من التحفيز

بارك الله جهودكم
by (2 points)
+2 votes
ما شاء الله الحلقه كانت جميله جدا نشكر مستر ابراهيم على المجهود المبذول وربنا يبارك فيه ويجزاه عنا كل خير . انا فى المستوى الثالث ومتابع معاه من اول ما بداء ويارب تفضل كدا على طول واحنا متابعين معاك

شكرا جزيلا مستر ابراهيم
by (751 points)
+2 votes

Hello the greatest teacher. This is the second time l type my opinion because thinking in English became very easy to me so when I type  l don't focus on words l just create good speech without thinking a lot. . Thanks forever Mr Ibrahim without you l wouldn't be like this,so l made a little mistake in grammar but l don't know how to edit it . The first episode of this course was splinded I fall in love with it .l agree with the author because everything begins with our minds if we are determined to accomplish our goals we will do it . The success needs a patient person who knows the great project doesn't happen in overnight or without extra efforts.  The accomplishments don't mean to have too much money or live in a lavish lifestyle it means to don't stop to make us better.  The beginning is always the hardest thing but when we start every things will be easy.  We should be achievers not dreamers. Zig ziglar once said {You don't have to be great to start you have to start to be great} l want to read your insights great folks and l am curious to know the opinion from my genius teacher. ❣❣ You are my role model.

by (4 points)
+3 votes

yesسلام عليكم الإسطورة إبراهيم عادل .
.Your episode was brilliant and I am so excited for the more
smileyyes.Ready to complete this fantastic unknown book 

by (3 points)
+3 votes
بصراحه نشكرك ع حهودك الرائعه لكن انا اعجبني قصر الفيديوهات حتى مانمل بارك فيك ونفع.بس ياليت تحلون لي مشكلتي دعفعت اشتراك مزة ٣ شهور في طليق وقف التطبيق على درسين A2 لم تعمل متذا شهر هل المشكله من عندي ام مت عندكم ودمتم.
by (3 points)
+3 votes
غاية في الروعة كالعادة شيق وسلس . أبدعت
by (3 points)
+3 votes

Assalam alikom, 

First of all ,I am so happy to be a member in your famous community , and I want to send my deep greetings to my respected teacher ADEL IBRAHIM and his team ; THANK YOU

  For the today's subject "BOOKWORM 01" I agree with the writer about the defenition of success but to be clear ,these defenitions are about the success in our life.

For us as muslisms,we should also focus in success in the other life by doing what ALLAH commands and his PROPHET  .This is just my opinion

finally ,i would thank Mr IBRAHIM a lot for his tremendous efforts.


by (3 points)
+3 votes

awsom yes الحلقة مميزة

by (12 points)
+3 votes
To say the lesson was amazing is to say nothing, really!

We were talking about success: what does means?

The previous meanings were kickass!

But I think success means to be always near Allah, to act as Allah and his messanger said, to be the best fried of your mother and father, to be the best father for your kids, to be the best mother for your children, to be the best husband for your wife, to be the best wife for your husband, to be the best ever preson in the entire world.

Simply, to enter the garden of Eden and avoid the hell!

Success means to has Allah's approval...Forever and always.

Finally, I hope you be successuful peaple, ZAmericanEnglish fans!
by (7 points)
+3 votes
كانت رائعه والكتاب يبدو أنه مشوق ننتظر المزيد منه

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